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Posts posted by Civicguy

  1. Ok. 1st let me say hi and I thanks for opening up and sharing with us. I am 29, male healthy/fit just found out I have HSV 2. So my Doc informed me that most people have come in contact with HSV virus 1 in 8 men and about 1 in 4 Women. My doc said that we (meaning people with HSV) have 2 medication options. 1. Anti Viral Immune suppressant medications that lower the risk of spreading HSV to another person by 1-3% and the medication is taken daily 2. Valtrex which helps manage the outbreak and that's only taken for 2-3 days when the outbreak starts, this is only to help make the outbreak less painful/ severe. U shld ask the guy you are in a relationship if he is taking a immune suppressant medication daily. Even if he is that still does not mean you will not contract HSV. But will lower his risk of spreading HSV to others. HSV will appear on the infected area-skin/part of the body. In my case its only on both sides of my inner thigh and my 1st outbreak was so mild that I thought I had jock itch/ minor rash from my gym shorts I wore. Even when I'm not having an outbreak I still have the ability to pass the virus. Remember u can still get herpes no matter how careful you are. It is always best to wear protection however condoms do not protect 100 percent against HSV. When I read my test results I was floored I never thought I wld have hsv. I am a example that hsv is not the end of the world and it is very managible. Again my outbreak was mild and last for 4 days. Just make sure you speak with your obgyn about the risk of being exposed to hsv. Just bc someone has gone 10 or so years with no outbreak does not make him less infectious then someone who has had it for 1 year with no outbreak.. If he is tested today or tomorrow his test will still show postive antibodies for HSV. HSV is less likely to spread during periods with no outbreaks whoever it still can be transmitted. You can have HSV for 2 years in some cases with mild to no symptoms at all. Hope this helps and my thoughts and blessings are with u. Much love

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