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Posts posted by Vin3

  1. You are contagious right before lesions appear, during, and immediately after lesions heal. If your skin had the white marks, your skin is not completely healed. My understanding is that herpes sores do not leave marks, so my assumption is that you were still contagious at the time you had unprotected sex.


    Ok so it happened and it is out of your control as far as transmission goes; however, you are not entirely powerless as you have options moving forward.


    It is possible you did not transmit, so it would be ok to wait it out for now. You can send her the anonymous notification later if you wish.


    You can also tell her but I understand how the mutual friends situation can make things awkward. I would say wait it out for now.




  2. The way that I see it is if he does not want to get tested, then he knew he had carried it all along. He gave you chlamydia, so that wouldn't be far-fetched. If he knew he had it or felt that he might have had it before you, he could be making the mentioned break-up excuses as a way to deal with his guilt. That way, breaking up with you is a way for him to get out of having to support you in a state of guilt. With the exception of some married people who have been married for many years before herpes turns up, the normal response in this case would be that he would want to get tested asap... his behavior is suspicious.



  3. @MissLamentful Glad I can help! How long have you had HSV1 and 2? Unfortunately the Food allergy test is an out of pocket test. Set up a Gofundme page and see what happens, while you save for it. You might be pleasantly surprised.


    Yes unfortunately, periods do bring on the symptoms. So a few months ago, I was exercising pretty frequently, and I went asymptomatic. The inner vaginal symptoms returned when I stopped exercising. I am having these annoying stinging burning stabbing pains as I type. They also come around my period as well. I am not overweight, but the exercise seems to control the symptoms or keep the virus away. I have also been very stressed with the holidays so that also didn't help. Remember higher stress levels can also bring this virus out.


    Remember that auto-immunity is not immunocompromised. They are different. I responded on a different post that encephalitis and meningitis are most likely to happen to women during their first outbreak, if at all. It is rare. Yes immuno compromised people are more likely to get this complication, but you are not immunocompromised. Immunocompromised would be someone with AIDS or cancer.


    Bacteria probiotics for vagina will also help the gut. I take all kinds, but I also include one for vaginal health. I had to start taking them because I was getting discharge which I suspect was from the internal herpes activity. My doctor also gave the thumbs up on those probiotics. There is a journal article that did a study on these 2 strains for vaginal health L.reuteri and L. rhamnosus are the two strains. I will link it in a subsequent post.


    Going through this pain is anxiety producing. Try to bring the herpes fire down by:


    -Getting optimal vitamin D levels in body because it is an immune modulator

    -Taking probiotics. Probiotics helps immune system too

    -Going to sleep at a decent time to allow melatonin to go to work. Melatonin is an immune modulator. Doc told me this.

    -Drink plenty of water to help lymphatic system flush waste and debris that is left over from inflammation.

    -Exercising! Go swimming. Find an indoor pool if the weather is cold out. Swimming is a good non impact exercise if you have painful joints. It will make your body feel better and sleep better in addition to helping your immune system. Being in water might also help you feel less pain. Do yoga and don't forget weights for strength.

    -You have an amazing understanding partner and I'm sure he would want to do anything that would help you feel better. Have him give you a massage with lavendar oils to help bring down the stress and anxiety. Oxytocin is released when being touched even during massage and helps bring down blood pressure and stress hormones. In hospitals, patients deal with pain better and get better with their condition when they get massage.

    -Listening to relaxing music

    -Instead of treating yourself to wine, treat yourself to a pressed green juice. You'll feel the nutrients working their magic and make you feel alive. The greens help auto-immunity problems immensely!!


    Not being able to control this condition is what makes it unbearable. If you shift your thinking away from trying to control "it", and instead help your immune system and nurture your body and mind, the fire can come down. Your body will take care of you.




  4. Coming from someone with an autoimmune disease and a family with autoimmune issues, I can understand the issue with an immune system that has gone berserk. It does seem that your problems with your immune system are contributing to your herpes outbreaks. The constant body inflammation puts your immune system into overdrive by attacking your tissues. Herpes is a constant threat, so will your immune system on alert. With an auto-immune disease, the immune system is confused and in turn will not do an efficient job at fighting HSV. Again, immune modulation is key.


    Things to consider: Vitamin D3 levels.. how are they? Within range? This is important for immune modulation. How is your sleep? This is also important for immune modulation. Are you exercising? Are obese? Inactivity and obesity contributes to inflammation in the body, and this can be checked with a C-reactive protein test as well as sedimentation rate test. You might have heard of these with your conditions.


    Diet wise, that is a lot to cut out. You need some of the proteins in some of the foods you are cutting out. You need essential and complete proteins to help you fight this virus. I understand the allergy concern, but unless you have had an allergy test (gluten exception), there is no point cutting all the others out. Genova diagnostics gives an IGG food allergy test. This is different from an anaphalaxis allergy test. The IGG test is given to people with auto-immune disease because as you might already know, the IGG will reveal the more "chronic" type of allergic reaction as it is found in most auto-immune diseases. You might not have an allergy to meat or dairy. I had this test done, and the test showed that I was not allergic to dairy or meat, but I was reacting to asparagaus! Weird huh? I had a moderate reaction to gluten.


    That is great your partner does not think twice about your HSV. You do not have to worry about HSV affecting his scoliosis. It will not change a thing about it. Scoliosis is not involved with the immune system.


    I have had prodromal sensations inside vagina, but I am not sure that I have had a lesion inside. I do not recommend putting anything inside while having a lesion since skin integrity is compromised. Putting anything inside that is not sterile during this time can contribute to a secondary infection like bacterial vaginosis. The goal would be to prevent a secondary infection, and let the sores heal. Keep vulva dry after shower, wear cotton underwear, no harsh fragranced soap, and take probiotics. Oral probiotcs that can help for vaginal health are Rephresh Pro-b since the strains are specific to keeping bad vaginal bacteria down.


  5. Hi everyone, I have HSV2 genitally. When I first contracted I had redness (no lesions), but didn't know at the time that I was having a primary outbreak. When I took a look at what was happening down there I touched to see the extend of it, and I rubbed my eyes afterward. I am at my wits end panicking that I have spread this to my eyes or face. I also have a habit of chewing my fingers, so there goes that too. I've looked online everywhere for any stories of ocular HSV2 and I was not able to find any. I have not had any facial, oral, or ocular symptoms, but then again I haven't had a typical outbreak genitally. I have come across very few oral HSV2 stories, but again, not ocular. Has anyone had this type of scenario? Accidental eye rubbing etc? Does anyone know of any ocular HSV2 stories?

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