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Posts posted by medewsick

  1. Thank you Nigella and Greeneyes for your advice. I just moved to a new town so the doctor my boyfriend and I went to was kind of our only option at the time. I'll make sure we see another doctor and see if he can get tested there. I will definitely look into daily Valtrex suppression, it seems like a good idea for my situation. I was also wondering if anyone has any experience taking L-Lysine supplements to suppress outbreaks? I've heard some good things, but a lot of skepticism as well. Thanks again!

  2. Hello there. After two terrifying weeks of suspicion, yesterday morning i was diagnosed with hsv-2 genital herpes. So far I've been taking it alright, I've been a little upset but overall i'm trying to maintain a positive mental state. I'm currently in a committed relationship, and upon learning of my condition my partner agreed to get tested as well. Though, because he is showing no symptoms whatsoever, my doctor is claiming there is no way of telling if he is carrying the virus and chose not to perform the test on him.. Is this right?? I was a little confused by this and would appreciate some explanation or feedback. Also, my partner and I have been having unprotected sex for the last 8 months. If it ends up he doesn't have herpes, if we choose to continue having unprotected sex (after my OB of course) is he more at risk because I am no longer an asymptomatic carrier? Is it absolutely guaranteed he will contract herpes from me?? I apologize if I sound incredibly uninformed, this is all very new to me and I would definitely appreciate any kind of advice or experience. Thank you!

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