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Posts posted by Here4help

  1. Hi, I've been on here a few times . But I have a new question that I'm not sure I have the full answer to. I notice that I keep getting sick, ..a lot . I mean more than I ever have my whole life in the course of a year. This year I've gotten viral coughs, throat sores, shots of body tingles and pain. I 've gone to the doctor multiple times, but they won't say for sure if it has anything to do with the virus. I know that it clings on the immune system and can weaken it a little ...could this be the cause?

  2. I had gone out with a few friends a few nights after I was diagnosed with my first out break. We were at a bar and some guy friends were looking at girls they wanted to get with and one said " She's looks busted, like Herpes wrote all over her." My fiancée and I literally had just been diagnosed. It felt like a slap in the face. I had what My fiancée(who is working on his PhD in psychology), deemed the spotlight effect . I felt like everyone then knew we had it and they were looking at us. :(

    Now I just learn to take the jokes as they come.


  3. Nicely said Adrial.

    But I often wonder too, is having HSV1 as bad as HSV2??? as devastating?

    (not choosing sides) , but it just seems like HSV 2 would be more off putting to a potential partner.

  4. Hi,

    Yes herpes is spread through skin to skin contact , so semen , vaginal discharge , and saliva don't count. The best way to prevent spreading the virus is to use protection in the bedroom and to take antiviral medications to suppress the virus. The majority of women in the U.s only break out on the outside of the vagina very rarely on the inside, so not too much to worry about there.

    If you are thinking about having sex or have had sexual intercourse you should see the discussion under "disclosing, the talk" , it gives insightful information on how to tell your partner you're positive.

    Hope this helps

  5. I do too. I think having this virus turns us into a little bit of a hypochondriac. :) I believe it takes time to pick up on your body's cues. I for instant , am only in my 2nd large outbreak, but I felt a tingling burning sensation that shot from the thighs down to my feet the night my outbreak must have first started. You'll get the hang of it, I know it suck not being able to be 100% sure all the time, but you'll pick up on those cues. And when you do it will make you much less stressed , having to not worry so much about if you're actually breaking out.


    good positive vibes :)

  6. "The best way to prevent transmitting or contracting genital herpes is to avoid sexual contact or to be in a monogamous relationship with someone who has tested negative for the virus. That may not be realistic for many people, however. Although the following tips cannot completely prevent the spread of genital herpes, they can help lower your risk of transmission:

    Don’t engage in sexual activity with an uninfected partner when you have an outbreak, and vice versa.

    Use a condom for sexual intercourse and foreplay. HSV-2 is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, not through bodily fluids, so you shouldn’t wait for intercourse to use condoms. When used properly, condoms reduce the risk of herpes transmission by about 50 percent.

    Use a barrier such as a condom (for fellatio) or dental dam (for oral-vaginal or oral-anal sex) to prevent HSV-1 from being transmitted from the mouth to the genitals or anus.

    Wash after sex. The herpes virus is surrounded by a lipid (fatty) coating, which causes it to be inactivated by soap. More research needs to be done, but it’s possible that washing with regular soap and water after sex might reduce the risk of contracting HSV.

    Take antiviral drugs every day (suppressive therapy), which can decrease the risk of transmission by 50 percent. ( the infected partner)


    Because oral herpes is so common, it can be difficult to prevent transmission. If you are concerned about contracting or transmitting oral herpes, avoid kissing people or sharing items like utensils, washcloths, and lip balm when cold sores are present."


    I also had the same question , so I pulled this off MIT Medical website for you.

    There are no preventative drugs for people who are uninfected, so beware those selling drugs who say this will help prevent the spread of herpes, it won't.


  7. I and my boyfriend both have HSV 2. We still try and have a normal sex life, but for me I notice sex is starting to become painful. Every once in a while , when or around the time of an outbreak, the inside of my body has a burning and tingling feeling, making me extremely sensitive and raw.

    Is this normal? Do other people with HSV experience this type of pain during intercourse?


  8. Here's some good news,

    I was worried about if I'd be able to have kids, with the virus. I did some research and talked to my doctor. If you have had your first herpes outbreak BEFORE becoming pregnant there is a less than one % chance of passing it to maybe baby. Since I assume this is not your primary infection, if you are pregnant, the baby will be ok. If you experience out breaks during the last trimester of pregnancy then the doctor will put you on meds and most likely order a c section.

    You'll make it through this and be ok. No matter what's going on. It is best to see you personal doctor to confirm the test results, if you don't feel comfortable going to your family doctor there are clinics and planned parenthood buildings around to help you.

    hope this helps


  9. Hi,

    First of all. I totally understand what you are going through. I am only 21 too. I think I got mine from my current boyfriend, even though I had my outbreak first. It is a tough thing to get through your first outbreak, believe me you will make it through. I am only in my second outbreak now and you can seriously tell a difference . The first is the worst, but IT GETS BETTER.:)

    My advice to you is buy a journal and write in it everything you feel, physically and emotionally. When you get it out on paper you'll feel so much better. That's one of the first things I did when I had my first outbreak.

    As far as relationships, it's going to be ok . You'll have a support system here when you're ready. But in order to be ready I think you need to focus on yourself. You have to love you before anyone else loves you. :) You will find that person out there who isn't going to care the slightest bit about this small skin condition.

    You'll feel like yourself again soon, persist and you'll be fine :)

    Best of luck


  10. After reading up on a lot of people with herpes who are trying to date, and facing sexual rejection, I am happy to have a great guy by my side. But in the back of my head I have a lingering feeling of " Oh my god , did I give this to him?" because he is such a great guy , he didn't deserve it.

    Thank you for the advice, I don't have other people to talk to about this, as I have pretty much hidden every detail about it from anyone besides him.

  11. Hello,

    I'm Sam. I'm a 21 year old female. I just found out I have HSV 2 in April of this year. I'm not exactly sure where I got it from. I have had some sexual abuse when I was 14, yet years later I am here with one of the best guys ever. Which I am fortunate to have. I felt like I had the flu or something for a week or so, But I still had been intimate with my boyfriend. I started to notice small blister- like bumps . It was extremely painful to walk, and pass urine. I got scared and googled my symptoms. One of my worst nightmares. I called him immediately, and told him what I thought I had. He freaked out. I thought he was going to leave. But he didn't he became more understanding and went to the doctors with me. I was instantly diagnosed , upon a blood draw. He hasn't been tested, but we've seen the first hand results, he is positive.

    It's been a few months, and I am now experiencing my second outbreak. Not as painful, but still pretty raw. The worst of it is it's spread to my mouth and finger tips, despite my hand sanitizing / hand washing. I almost feel I should be put into a bubble. My boyfriend, He doesn't get it as bad as I do. Hell, they're barely noticeable on him. I am beginning to get resentful and bitter. I'm depressed ,and terrified that someone will recognize these awful bumps. I'm scared of things I've read about pregnancy(I would like to have kids one day). I am also scared of more reoccurring outbreaks, I'm 21 . I feel like I'm not going to be able to do the things I want out of life anymore. Why is this happening???? I need advice before I really fall into this awful depression.

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