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Posts posted by Pony64

  1. I have genital HSV 1 (for ten years, very mild OBs every month or two) and I recently disclosed to a new partner I am seeing. I really like him, and felt I could trust him. The disclosure went well, in that he was respectful and said he would learn more about it and until then, wanted to keep seeing me.


    I've found that in the past, when I've disclosed to my partners, they have either requested information from me, or found their own, and then decided to start a sexual relationship with me, provided we take precautions to protect them. In my current case, though, this person seems to have not really spent much time informing himself, and seems reluctant to really start. I've sent information and we have spoken in person many times, and he keeps saying things like, "I'll come around to it" or "I just don't want to get it". I'm starting to feel like he isn't doing his part to inform himself, and that our relationship might need to end over this.


    I know people need time to learn about HSV on their own, but he is taking his sweet time and I'm left feeling resentful over how vulnerable and anxious I have been while I wait for him to decide. I've said as much to him, and he apologized for making me feel that way, but still hasn't really changed his behaviour. We have seen each other in person several times since the disclosure, with lots of opportunity for in-person discussion, but it doesn't go anywhere.


    Does anyone have advice? I am dying of anxiety over all of this.




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