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Posts posted by SMorgan

  1. Thankyou so much. I end up leaving this page for a bit. So sorry for the year later reply. I don’t know why I just in some way wanted to forget about it. I was in such a dark place and there are still times where I struggle. I’m now trying to look at it in a more possible light and force myself to try and talk to guys and move on. One thing that keeps coming up that I don’t really know anything about is this suppressive medication. People keep writing they take it. No one told me about medication you can take continuously. I was told that they only give that to you when you have outbreaks or if you get them regularly. How do I find out more about this? 


  2. On 2/12/2018 at 5:42 PM, OptimisticSoul143 said:

    Initially when I found out I had ghsv2 I was like”omg, what am I going to do now?!?” Then I stopped and thought to myself...”am I dying??” no.” Do I have horrible symptoms that make me constantly think about this?!”, no and more importantly “is this really going to change my life for the negative?!” And once again the answer was no. It sucked when I first found out but you’re not going to die. I had the condition for three years before I was even diagnosed. I still love my life the same way, I just take suppression therapy now. Nothing in my life has changed besides the fact that I have to take an extra pill each morning. If you’re one of us who doesn’t have horrible symptoms and can live a pretty normal life aside from experiencing horrible OB’s be thankful. It could always be worse and I look at this as a way to weed out people who chose not to educate themselves fully on the condition and think that I have something that can kill them.


  3. I was diagnosed just over a year ago with GHSV1. I have only had one breakout. The one which I went to the doctors and they suggested I go to the clinic. 

    Is it possible that it was something else and that I’ve been diagnosed wrong. Could the blood tests be wrong. I’ve had no symptoms since. Should I get tested again?

    Also any advice on how to get back out dating would be great? I haven’t meet anyone since then?


  4. I need some support. I found out just after Christmas. And told the guy about two weeks ago. He handled it well. But we just decided to be friends. He’s waiting on getting his results back. I thought I was coping fine. But since I told him I can’t stop crying. What 20 something year old guy is going to want to start something with me now. I did start talking to someone. I didn’t even tell him I had herpes yet and he made a comment about trying to keep those lifetime STI’s to a nill. I feel so alone and I just don’t think I can do this. Everything is hitting me really hard at the moment. I can’t sleep I don’t want to go out. I just don’t know how to cope with this. It affecting me really badly. As you guys have or are going through this, I’m hoping you can relate and let me know how you’re coping with it.

  5. I have just got my test results back it’s come back positive for HSV-1. I’m a little confused as I have never had a sores round my mouth. My outbreak was around my genitals. Any information would be appreciated. Also what does this mean in the sense of oral sex, can I pass it on giving him oral or if he hasn’t got it can it passes on by him giving me oral? I’m really confused. Not just oral sex, normal sex if there is no oral involved; and he hasn’t got it can it be passed on that way?

  6. So I’ve been speaking to this guy for about a month and a bit. We only slept with each other couple

    of weeks ago. I was in so much pain after I went to get tested. The nurse said she is certain I have herpes.

    Although I haven’t got my results back. The past week with the pain and sores I’m 90% I have too. We are both home for Christmas, we don’t live in the same area. I really get on with him, I really like him. But have no idea how to tell him. I don’t want him to run 100 miles. He is the nicest guy I have meet. He’s 21 and I’m 20. Obviously he needs to get tested. As there is the same chance he could of given it to me as I could of to him. How do I tell him or put it across that he’ll be understanding, I want to do this face to face. So it’ll be in couple weeks when we get back to university but as soon as I can. We have such good chemistry and get on so well, I don’t want him to stop speaking to me. Please help and give me advise.

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