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Posts posted by laurap

  1. hey guys i need help !

    so i just got back from my doctors appointment i specifically asked for the IGG test for herpes and for my suprise both hsv1 and hsv 2 came out NEGATIVE?! wtf?! i dont know whats going on i found out i had herpes on june of 2011 and i got test on May 15 2012 and now its negative?.... please what other test can i do i really need to know if i have it or not

  2. hey guys well today is one of those days where i get very depressed and pensive im trying to not let my situation take over me. i haven't told anybody that i have herpes even though half of where i live already knows im just not ready to be open about it i have made so many mistakes and so many wrong choices and i know that herpes was a wake up call for me how ever as much as i try to stay strong today has been a hard day. BUT i remembered about the forum and i started reading everybody stories and experience and i cant leave with out THANKING EVERYBODY for the support your stories and advices help me stay strong and alive because there has been moments where i just don't want to be in this world any more there is nothing worse but everybody to call you a whore dirty and worthless :(( just because i have herpes and made wrong choices im having such a difficult time. i admire everybody in the forum for being so strong and having balls to accept yourself and smile and not care what people say. i feel accepted here and i know im not being judged or called ugly names.



  3. im currently on positivesingle.com. its a great website. i have found a lot of friends and they give you alot of support as you go meeting people. however the herpes forum gives you alot of knowlegde and support and you feel accepted without really having to meet the person.

  4. Its been almost 3 years since i have had herpes type 2. well i got it from my ex. we lasted one year and we have been broken up for 2 years now. However i found out last year. i want to know why i still havent had an outbreak ? However he has had an outbreak last year? im about to make 3 years and still no outbreak. Can i even transmit it? my doctor said i dont have it, i was exposed to it. what does that mean? My doctor is always busy to have a long conversation.

  5. I'm having the same problem right now with my ex boyfriends and friends what I currently did was stay away and delete any social pages because that's where all the bullying will start and also try to have a new circle of friends where you start off as a new person and can be honest of your situation if anybody is talking about your personal life they don't respect you and they aren't real friends I am currently alone right now don't feel bad this a new beginning things happend for a reason and maybe this showed you that your best friend isn't your best friend after all and I know it hurts :( because I am also new to this but stay strong this is just the beginning you will see ;) good luck

  6. Hey guys well I'm going to give you guys a short explanation which I know it was my mistake. My ex boy friend called me almost a year ago to tell me that he had herpes and that I have herpes as well. I didn't pay attention to him because he had a girlfriend at that time and till today I still haven't had a herpes outbreak.


    However, I did get checked out not too long ago; I came out positive. I didn't tell my current boyfriend about it, and my ex spread the word to all my friends and him. He left me ... I feel ashamed of myself and alone. I feel like I'm never going to be able to date anymore. I need friends. I need help. I feel like there is no meaning in my life anymore. I feel alone. I know it was my mistake for not telling him. I was just so scared because I love him and I am scared of rejection. Everybody is talking about me and I don't know what to do anymore and how to stop this.

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