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Posts posted by Girlygirl2528

  1. Take a deep breathe! I have to felt like I didn't think I could go on. I was 200 percent sure I gave this to my child on accident and I think a small part of me will always think that. The thing about this is you have no proof yet that he has acquired it. He may see a bump and freak. He needs to go to the doctor to be swabbed and have a igg test asap! He could be freaking out at the thought and feels a tingle and think he has herpes. I am not down playing the fact that he may but he needs support and if he will let you be there for him. I know it problay the heat of the moment but he has to accept some blame for not being responsible for his health just like you are reaponsible for not telling you have ghsv. I'm thinking of you and while at this moment it's awful for you remember you will get through this. If you need a friend reach out! Keep using the hotline if you feel like you no longer can deal!!!! Your life is important!!

  2. It's odd isn't it after you find out, it's like your body doesn't feel the same anymore! I feel almost betrayed by it. Its like ever since finding out it no longer feels the same down there. I had always wondered why I was irritated all the time down below and all that stuff then it hits me when you get the news! I thinks it's great you are going to take a few mental health days! It's hard to wrap your head around. I feel like from your post you have a strong stance on this and feel as if you will rock having ghsv 1! I wish you strength in the coming days/months and peace!

  3. Well she just woke up to pee and said her bottom (vagina) hurt I washed my hands and looked and saw nothing this is still a mark on her from where that pimple or whatever was tho. I'm back to freaking out. I'm loosing my mind.

  4. My husband says we are together forever so what does it matter. He gets annoyed with my constant worry. I'm lucky I have great kiddos! My youngest and I are two peas in a pod. My oldest is almost 10 and she is so awesom! Did you have lesions everywhere? I fee like I have looked inside myself with a mirror and have seen red spots. I also have times where I feel like my vaginal lip feels swollen. I'll feel around down there while I soak in the tub but I e never felt any pain ever.

  5. Right! I'm going to relax and stay calm, go back to being a smiling happy mom and figure things out as they come! You ladies are wonderful thank you for helping me in my time of need. I will keep you all updated and am happy I found this group! I think I'll stick around and hopefully try to help others as you have helped me. My husband he doesn't know what to say. I explained everything and he said god forbid your right which he dose not think I am at all we will work through it as a family. He is a wonderful husband and father. He's the fun parent I'm the bad guy hahah. My children are happy and healthy and I need to remind myself of that!

  6. You are a kind kind woman and thank you. I think people are afraid of this post I get it. I really hope I am wrong and this was just some crazy fluke. I mean I would think she would be in pain if she had a outbreak for more than a day, I mean she is 4 and her lady parts are small. I was hoping to get a answer today but still no response. It's so crazy that who would ever hunk it could be transmitted like that I mean we all scratch not thinking. I mean my husband scratches or rearranges lol, and you don't think about it. I pray to god that this it's just a bad moment in time and someday I will learn and forget about it. I'm a freak now I make sure I wash all the time now. Let's hope I get a answer soon, the wait is killing me.

  7. I know I am so scared tho. I read one story and the child was taken away by cps. In the US if a child is diagnosed with ghsv cps is always called. I mean they will be able to tell she has no trams and the amount of times I have taken her to the doctor for vaginal irritation, but I am so scared. I'm waiting for my response and then Monday I'm going to call and make a appointment and talk with her doctor. That's all I can do. I would never wish any of this on someone. I feel like I being punished. I take such good care of my family and now I feel like my whole world is falling in. Thank you for your time and speaking with me.

  8. I think maybe I have had just lesions inside my lips but never any bumps. But I've had nothing painful besides I get cuts in my perinum which I heard could be H. But every symptom I've had when I thought that's what is was my daughter has as well. She has never had discharge before and she said it felt like there was a stick poking her inside when the irritation started. I gave her a shower that day and normally didn't use soap that did I did not thinking and was in a hurry she was fine. We went to the store and then came home and a few hours later is when it started. The next day she said it didn't hurt anymore, I had taken her to urgent care because I am a mom and freak over everything! She said irritation but she didn't get up close I thought I saw a bump but I don't ever look inside her so I don't know what's normal or not then New Years even is when the red like pimple bump appeared she said it itched she scratched it and it didn't bother her after that. Once the bump was gone the discharge was gone and she has been fine well now she has thrush. I've read that when some had a outbreak for the first time they got oral thrush as well. Everything is pointing to me being correct.

  9. I will share the whole thread once I receive a answer. I really hope your right and I didn't. It would kill me! If you want to look before I share it's on the ask the express mine said transmission by hands. They have no answered it I asked it yesterday so they should respond in 48 hours or less.

  10. I can't thank you enough for responding, I try and tell myself in 12 years let's hope they have better meds to control this virus if by some crazy chance I did give this to her. It's upsetting because we spend their whole young life trying to protect them and the thought of being their source of pain in devastating. I am praying this is all just a fluke and I am wrong. I am now more cautious and wash my hands every restroom break. Thank you for responding to me, I really needed someone to talk to. Thank you for the article I have read that as well. It set me at ease until I read another that said a mom gave it to her kid via butt cream! I paid 25 bucks on the ASHA sight to tell my story and have one of three doctors respond. They specialize in STI'S and transmission and have been doing over 30 years. I am hoping to hear from one of them soon! Thank you again I appreciate it

  11. Thank you for responding I was sure no one was going to touch this post. I'm going to lay it out to you are you ready lol. I soiled some wild oats when I was younger! After one event I went to po and was tested I was good, never knew they didn't test for hsv. Well I would always have irritation or itchy discharge weird stuff. I would go to the doctor and they would glance and say Year or irritation and give me meds and eventually it would be gone. When I was Pregnant I would have issues the whole time yeast bacteria irritation ya know! After having them I would be in more pain than actually giving birth burning when I peed I would have to hold on to the towel bar to pee. I was young and thought it was normal! Well now I'm 32 and it has been worse. I went and got tested and was all good besides hsv 1. Never remembered having a cold soar. I have gone to 4 doctors and they see irritation and would refuse to swab. I have researched and you can have it with no soars everyone's body of different. My last doctor agrees with me. I take 500 valtrex a day and still feel like I have issues. Now to my children. They both are sensitive down there always have been. Thinking I won't lie there are times I use the restroom and don't wash my hands if I am in a hurry or a child is screaming , this is before I knew what I know now. I have read a lot on conflicting information on transmission with hands. I've read some women have passed it to their children when putting diaper rash cream on them and that's my fear. All of her symptoms have cleared up now. That's why I am so scared. If it was something other than ghsv 1 I would think she would have needed treatment. It went away on its own. I am so lost because if I call her doctor I don't want them one to think I am crazy or that she is being harmed in anyway. I would destroy someone who ever harmed my children! I mean the pain of urination only lasted that night and she was fine the next day! Then a week later the red pimple bump that itched for a second and then she forgot about it and it went down after a warm soak in the tub! I'm so confused and terrified if I have ruined her young life before it's even begun on accident. Thank you for responding I have been going crazy!

  12. I am a mother of two 31 and have ghsv 1 I would like to find others to chat with. I feel so very alone with all of this and would like friends who understand what I am going through! I would love to know idea of how people suppress this with out meds or along with meds! I would also like to lend a shoulder for others having a hard time as well.Thank you have a great day

  13. She was also on bacteim for a uti or bladder infection just in case. I just don't know where to turn or what to do. I have never felt so sick or scared in my life how do I forgive myself.

  14. Hello, I am new here. I am a married mother of two. I have found out I have ghsv 1. I have always suffered with vaginal issues and now I know why. I can't get over it and am so sad on a daily basis. My husband is negative and I can't even have sex with out being worried all the time. I have a 4 year old who I love more than this world. I had no idea I had the virus and now I am scared I have given it to her. I swear every time I use the restroom she needs to go as well she has poor wiping skills so I wipe her. The other day she told me her bottom hurt and it was red and inflamed inside took her to urgent care and they said it was irritation. The next day she started to have a discharge that was yellow. He pain when urination had gotten better by the next day but the discharge continued. Two days later I noticed a red pimple looking bump outside of her vagina it looked to have a head on it and she said it was itchy. I let her soak in a warm tub and by the next day it had gone down and two days later it was gone as well as the discharge. I have been sick with worry. I am scared I have passed this to her by putting destin on her and not washing my hands not even thinking about it. I don't know what to do. I am so worried. She has had contestant issue vaginal for as long as I can remember and I am terrified this is the cause. Thank you

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