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Posts posted by worriedwife

  1. Hi, thank you all for reading. I don't know where to start. I feel very alone because I don't want to tell people I have this disease, and I don't know where it came from. Here is my background. I have been with my husband for 10 years. I have always had UTI's especially when pregnant, and normal amount of things like Yeast infections. I have noticed pimple like bumps ( one or two in the same place, but always assumed it was from shaving)but never any STD'S. My husband and I separated last year for 4 months after losing our stillborn son. We worked things out and this past year and a half has been great, except we tried for another baby and got pregnant with twins and ended up losing them as well in September. My body went through A LOT... The first doctor didn't remove everything so I had massive bleeding and pain for 6 weeks because he would not help, I had to get in with another doctor and have another surgery November 1st. My body did not start to return to normal until the end of November, and that is when my husband and I started being sexually active again. He had to go to china for a few weeks with his boss a month prior to that....On December 28th( we had only been sexually active maybe 5 times since his trip) or so I started to not feel good, nausea, cramping etc, I was diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis and given an antibiotic. A few days later, I noticed a TINY lesion ( not where I shave and saw the bumps like before)maybe half the size of a pencil eraser. It bother me only after wiping...I went in for my regular pap and told the doctor about my issue I was having and she swabbed it and said it was "very suspicious" the results came back yesterday and my IgG was 3.9... My husband has sworn his faithfulness and he is getting bloodwork done this week or next as well. My question is, Can I have had this either before our marriage or gotten it from him in the beginning, and just never had any noticeable symptoms and then have an outbreak? My doctor said she cant tell me if this is recent or old. We have been doing so wonderful, and we were suppose to start trying for another baby next month, and now I'm so scared and I don't know what to think. Also, is it possible for me to have had it for 10 years and him not have it? I want to believe my husband and move forward but I don't want to be naïve as well....

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