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Posts posted by Newbie973

  1. I was diagnosed with HSV2 a few months ago. I was went to the doctor because it hurt when I peed. Was examined and told it look like a herpes lesion on my clit. They swabbed it and it came back positive. Sometimes after sex I get the same pain on my clit, I assume it's a lesion. My question is, that sometimes I get a red bump on the outside of my vagina, and closer to my butt. I can't tell if it's herpes, or a pimple, or ingrown hair. It will be tender, and I don't notice fluid in it. Now I'm paranoid anytime I get a bump. I have never seen anything on me that looks like a cluster or blisters. Anybody else experience this?

  2. I've only known I have HSV2 for about 3 months now. I've started doing online dating. One site, I put up a pretty vacation pic, no photos of myself. And I disclosed my positive status. I've had some guys message me saying they have it to. So far, its working. You could also go to a dating site for people with STDs. I've also told 2 guys that don't have it, and they took it well. Just have to let them get to know you first. I hope this helps!

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