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Posts posted by Sadmama

  1. Just as a note, both my partners are white. The ex i had my son with got tested so now I'm waiting on the newest one. I will feel more comfortable persuing further testing once he gets results but i feel like he is hesitating. Hes made up about ten excuses now as to why he cant go to the STD clinic. I copy and pasted an exerpt from Ohio Revised Code about knowingly giving someone an std because in ohio that is considered assault.


    I have no answers from neither yet.

  2. Earlier this week I checked my email because I had new labs come in. I saw my Ob/Gyn on January 8th for a routine checkup and mentioned I had a new partner and wanted to go ahead and get swabs and blood tests for everything.


    Honestly, I regret that now.


    The doctor called me on Wednesday the 10th to tell me I had bacterial vaginosis and prescribed a vaginal gel. No problem, as I (tmi alert) had used a home douche earlier before my appointment so I could feel fresh when I went to the doctor. The weeks prior I was experiencing excessive sweating and discomfort as well as discharge and itching that I usually associate with hIgh blood sugar (I am a type II diabetic as well). I thought nothing of this, picked up my medication and went about my weekend until yesterday.


    Since the results, I have called my ob/gynto ask about what is going on, and did not get any comforting answers. I asked if I needed medication and the nurse straight out said no, which made me feel bad. Now my head is reeling and I've been researching online as much information as I can as well as combing through these and other forums. What do I do?


    I want to be sure and I need advice but I fear I will hear the same thing and be made to feel forgotten. I'm depressed and feeling useless. This last year hasn't been the best for me and this feels like the straw that will break the camels back. I'm not a weak person and have certainly been through worse, but this diagnosis is heartbreaking and I want answers.


    The test said I was 0.08 for HSV -1 and 4.38 for HSV-2. I just don't understand because I have been tested in the past. I also did not know until I asked the nurse that they do not test pregnant women for herpes. I was kind of dumbfounded. So now, I am thinking, did I already have this? Did I get it from baby daddy or this new guy? I hadn't had sex in a year and a half after my ex and then I get this diagnosis and I am just so sad and disappointed. I want to be healthy and am tired of having chronic health conditions.


    My most recent partner was informed and I'm pushing testing on him. My son's father, my last partner before the most recent one, has been informed but is a fat lazy pig who probably won't get tested because he claims he doesn't have symptoms. All I need is for them both to be honest and go get checked so I can (my logic) further pursue when and where and from whom I received this condition so I can find out if maybe there was a clerical error. If I sound delusional, I am sorry, but there is nothing wrong with a second opinion. Any advice would be great.



    My main questions:


    is it possible for my ex and my current sex partner to both be negative while I am positive?


    is the answer to the above question indicative of a False Positive?


    is it likely for me to have this and not have passed it on to either of these men?


    could I have contracted this from one of them and they don't have any symptoms or positive test results? like a carrier?


    The doctors seem clueless and just seem to want me to accept my diagnosis with no explanation. I say no!


    additionally: why wasn't I offered medication but my sex partner was given antibiotics? I'd like to note that I am an African American women who has state health care (Medicaid) and health care in the united states has a history of discrimination in care against women of color and I feel like this is related but I cannot be sure. Reading some peoples stories I see that sometimes poor care is common no matter what your demographic is. I just want help :( I'm so hurt right now.


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