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Posts posted by LuckyCharms

  1. So a few weeks ago I finally ended things with my ex, the guy that gave me this. And I just met a new guy that I really really like and he's so sweet and caring and I really want this to work out. I was talking to another guy before this one and things got a little carried away and I had to stop him before things got too far and then had to tell him why. Well needless to say, he never called me back after that. I wasn't really surprised but it still kinda hurt. I'm really worried about how to tell this guy and not scare him off. This is the first time in the 2 and a half years that I've had to really worry about it. I need some advice on how to tell him without freaking him out and scaring him away.

  2. @Sab123 It's not petty at all! It's completely normal! I was the same way for a while too. I read all this stuff online and I was terrified. Until I found this forum and being able to connect with others that have this same thing and can relate to what I'm going thru. But my second was almost as bad as my first. It was in a completely different spot than the first one and that spot was way worse. My first was around my butt and the second was on my thigh. I don't know what they are like when it pops up in the same spot yet though so I don't know if they are always like that or not. Have you only had the one so far?

  3. Hey Sab! I wear thongs during the day, every day, and haven't had any problems wearing them. I also shave pretty much every day and haven't had any issues with that either. So I guess it just depends on the person. I wouldn't worry too much about it until something does happen. Honestly, for me, the waiting for the next OB to pop up is the worst part. I've only had 2 that I know for sure of, and I'm still new at all of this too. I think the most important part is to just take care of yourself physically and emotionally.

  4. Hi Gaotu and Stephanie. I've had 2 OBs that I know of since my first one in May. I've had one that I thought was one so I started the valcyclovir that day and the spot went away after about 2 days, so I don't know if that's normal for a recurrent OB or not. My first was around my butt and the second was on my thigh, so I don't know what the recurrent ones are like. I've tried taking the L lysine but it just gave me a constant headache so I had to stop taking it. I do take ibuprofen sometimes and that does help some but not for very long. Does taking the zovirax help any with the pain for either of you? I never thought to look any of this up, so thank you for all of this info so far.

  5. I've heard of herpetic whitlow and it looks nothing like that. I don't know if he did a swab or not.. I don't think so though because he said the Dr said there was no way to know for sure. It's around his knuckles and it just kind of looks like little white dots of dry skin that he says just itches. He works with his hands a lot so he always has cuts and scrapes. But as far as I know he hasn't had any other outbreaks and my first one was about 3 months after he said it started showing up on his hand.

  6. So the guy that I'm seeing, the one that gave me H, recently went to the doctor because he's had this weird itchy patch on his hand that would come and go every now and then for the last several months.. well the doctor said that it was a derivative of herpes. It really just looked like dry skin, there weren't any blisters or pain to it he said. Just itching. I know it's possible to have outbreaks just about anywhere but I just thought that there would always be a lesion or blister there and it would be painful? I'm so confused by this.

  7. The last two months have been such a rollercoaster of emotions. Some days I'm doing ok and coping with it all and then other days like today I'm not so ok. I have all these thoughts and fears and doubts constantly running through my mind and no one to really share them with. I have my best friend but I feel bad sharing all of my problems with her because I know she has a lot of her own. And I'm afraid for her because we both seem to be on the same path and I'm just a few steps ahead of her. I don't know how to get her to realize it fully and change things now while she still can. And then there's the guy I'm with. We've been dating for almost 7 months now and I still don't know where we stand. I've only seen him once outside of work on the weekends since we both found out we were hsv positive. He's amazing and so sweet and smart and funny and he's not an immature idiot like I'm used to dating. I know I have serious trust issues that I'm trying to work through so I don't know if my doubts are all in my head because I've gotten used to guys that don't want commitment of any sort. But I don't know.. he still texts me every day and every weekend when we work together he comes and says good morning and hugs me really tight. I want so much more with him and yes it scares me. My family doesn't accept him all because he's black.. and if they find out that he was the one to give me herpes.. I'm pretty sure my family would hate him forever. So it's been really hard to have to live with my family (which includes my mom and both of my grandparents and occasionally my sister when she's home from college)I have to be guarded all the time and it's stressful. I already work 2 jobs, seven days a week, and that's already stressful enough and now to add on this. My anxiety has been so high that I've developed a constant tremor in my body. I'm already on antidepressants and have been way before all of this but some days it feels like it's too much. It amazes me because my guy doesn't seem to be bothered or worried about this at all. I don't know how he's so calm about it. I asked him that and he just said it's because he's been through so much already. It's sad what this can do to a person. Yes I see it as a wake-up call but I know I'm still in denial about it. Hell I can't even say the word herpes out loud. I have herpes. I can type it just fine but saying it is so hard. I can't help but still feel like I'm the victim. I know it's not his fault at all. I know he didn't know he had this. I keep hoping that since we both do then maybe this is meant to be with him. Because I'm scared of the future on my own. I had always planned on eventually I would end up with my best guy friend. Everyone has always thought we should be together and I just figured it would happen eventually.. but now I don't want it to anymore. I don't want him to find out I have this and risk giving it to him. I know that everything will work out the way it's supposed to and that everything will be ok and that it'll all get better.. but I don't like not knowing and not being able to have that now. I am a control freak with trust issues and I always feel like I'm not good enough or important enough. I'm trying to workon that but some days iI feel like I'm being swallowed up by the world. But yeah I'm sorry I've been rambling but I just needed to share this with someone.

  8. Oh hun I was right where you are 2 months ago. I had a bladder infection with mine too and was off work for almost a week. I didn't know that's what it was at the time though. I didn't find out till 2 weeks later. I had to go back and tell my boyfriend and it about killed me. I've been a complete nervous wreck until I found this forum. It starts to get easier to handle I promise. I'm only 23 and thought the same way you do. I had my second ob last week and pretty much hit rock bottom. You can't let this determine who you are. It's only what you have and it's really just an annoying skin condition in the end. You'd be surprised how many people are accepting of it when you tell them. I've come to see my diagnosis as a wake up call. That I need to start taking better care of myself and trusting people more. I have serious trust issues and this has not been easy for me with my boyfriend. But once you grieve and allow yourself to feel the emotions that are all completely normal.. you'll start to get better.

  9. I did the same thing. I had just thought my first ob was a uti and it even showed that I did so I kept taking the antibiotics and it kept getting worse. They never did an exam on me cuz I just thought the bumps were a rash from something and didn't even think to mention it to my doctor. I went in for my yearly pap and that's when I found out I had type 2. I felt the same way as you do. My boyfriend went and got tested the same day and his came back positive as well. So yes your boyfriend should definitely get tested. It's nerve wracking not knowing if he could've given it to you or if you could've given it to him. There isn't a for sure way of knowing unless his comes back negative but then you still don't know who you did get it from. I know for sure that I got it from my current boyfriend because his came back positive and the guy I was with before him is one of my good friends who didn't have it. I also know that with the known common triggers being stress, fatigue, and illness, and with knowing how my body reacts to everything.. I would've had symptoms a long time ago. So the only way to know for sure is to have him get tested too. Which he should want to do anyway.

  10. Thank you so much for everything you said. I've been reading and rereading what you said and the blogs you posted. It's helped me see this diagnosis a new way. I've realized today that I have to learn to trust in not only myself but others as well.. which is something that's always been really hard for me. I have a few friends that I've told and they've all been really supportive and I guess I just have to remember that I'm not alone. And I realized that I was beating myself up for being emotional and that I shouldn't feel as bad as I did. It's comforting to know that what I was feeling was normal. I am confused though about how you know where you'll have an OB. My first ob was where I would expect it to be.. but this recent one was on my thigh closer to my knee.. is it normal for it to appear in different spots? Do I have to worry more about spreading it to someone else? I'm probably just being paranoid

  11. Hi Lara. You are definitely not alone in thinking you're more irritable before an OB. I had one starting last week and didn't realize it right away since it's only the second one I've had, and first since finding out not even 2 months ago.. but last week I felt myself getting so frustrated and angry so easily over nothing.

  12. I'm 23 and just found out about 2 months ago that I got herpes from the guy I've been seeing for the last 6 months. I went to my obgyn for my well woman and it came back that I had come in contact with the virus so she had me do labs to find out for sure. She sent me my results in an email.. I was at work when I got it and pretty much had a complete breakdown. I had to not only tell the guy I'm seeing, who I really like, but I also had to tell one of my best guy friends who was the last person I had been with before. Thankfully my friend was clear because I don't think I would be able to live with knowing that I could have given it to him. But seriously though telling the guy I'm with was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.. to find out this diagnosis and have to tell someone I really like, all in one day, was horrible.. but I was just starting to be able to handle this all until last week when I had an outbreak. This has sucked so much and everyone keeps saying it will get better.. when does it?! Cuz this completely sucks! My first outbreak had me off work for most of a week and I had no idea that's what it even was..and last week I had to leave early 3 days in a row.. I hate missing work, it's not who I am. And what sucks even more is that I live with my entire family. And I've been dealing with this alone because they can never know about this. And I am alone in all of this it feels. I never get to see the guy I'm with cuz he's always working.. but I'm afraid he also may be avoiding me because of all of this. I don't think he is but I'm so insecure about myself with all of this. I'm scared that if I keep having outbreaks, and he doesn't, he's going to leave me. And what's worse though is since all of this happened.. I don't know where he and I stand anymore. I've only seen him once outside of work in the last almost 2 months. And I can't figure out what to say to him. And I have to go to work everyday with this constantly circling in my head and try to put on a smile and act like nothing is wrong and then at the end of the day I have to come home and do the same thing.. it's exhausting. I can't figure out how to deal with all of this. I'm so confused about this thing that I now have to deal with for the rest of my life. I keep reading online about it trying to understand it better and just keep getting more and more confused and scared.. I'm an emotional wreck and I just can't figure out how to deal with this.

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