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Posts posted by Tere3

  1. Im sure once some of the uncertainty of what this diagnosis actually means to me I will be better. Im afraid Im going to have breakouts all the time. Im afraid that I never really dated before and what thia means for that. I dont take rejection well. So all of these things just swirl in my head and I know I have to take it a day at a time but...... Ugh.

  2. Do most people get breakouts from working out?


    Im still going through my first break out. I dont want to use the gym equipment other than probably the treadmill at this point.


    But will it prolong my breakout? Is it bad if Im still running a fever and have swollen groin glands?


    Im kinda going a little stir crazy and want to do something but walking outside isnt an option in the north at the moment. And I don't wano prolong the issue or cause another breakout or.... I dont know.......

  3. A friend wanted to go out to a local wine place. I thought it would be good to get back into a normal routine. It feels weird going out and having people talk to me like im still the old me. Like this huge thing hasnt happened in my life and altered my body beyond repair.


    I sat there talking to these familiar people. Them commenting on that I only had one drink and drank water (if they only knew how afraid I am on the antivirals and making my current outbreak worse). It feels like I'm watching myself do this. For a second I forgot I am different, and then it hit me again. Someone touched my shoulders and I jumped because I feel like no one should touch me right now.



  4. I feel like we are in the same boat except I had 4 friends that I told. They didnt realize just how sick you get in you're entire body. They were pretty supportive. But i have your same fears. The same type of ex husband. The same type of boyfriend of2 months. No family. I have hsv1 though. I think doctor was much more sensitive about it. Im sorry you're going thru this too. I have two little kids too and one said a spot on their lip hurt nd I started to freak out. They're though so far.


    I wish I was on the other side with the success stories to help you, but Im right here with you. I did get put on antianxiety medication. I don't know if there are therapists you can talk to?

  5. I still have my first outbreak, almost 2 weeks in. I still have new sores coming but I was hoping I could shave once this was done. I just read a few threads and I can't shave again without the irritation causing an outbreak? And what are the actual transmission risks if you use condoms, dental dams, not having symptoms, then with and without taking suppression therapy. Because my OB told me to take the i inital then call back if I have symtoms. But i dont think this is even going to be done in the next week I have pills left for. She gave me 28 days but......

  6. I have no family. And I mean no parents aunts uncles sisters cousins ect. I just went to my pcp because between still getting new sores and work stress I needed something. I had broken up with him then we were supposed to be getting back together and I found out he was already with other women. Its a very emotional time. And my kid just got some blood work back with a minor problem. I told 3 close friends. They have been wonderful. He "technically" didnt know that his reoccurring problem was herpes. So he "technically" didnt lie.......


    But I did think about future encounters.... Perhaps they would be ok with my hsv1 status but not want it to be so public. But I might just go back to being good single/celibate for a few years again, just as a personal growth stance, not because of hsv1.

  7. I was diagnosed 5 days ago after trying to brave out the symptoms for 5 days prior to succumbing to the unbeleivable pain and sore lymph nodes and fever. So today I got my actual results. I had just broke up with my ex on the 15th, and I know he gave it to me because he had a "zit" and "chafing" which... Now I know... I'm a pretty solid 33 year old single mother. This has rocked me because it wasnt even a real relationship. It was my rebound from my divorce, even though I waited 2 years to rebound. Lot of good that did.


    So, I finally opened up yesterday to two of my friends. I feel sooooo much better. I want to just tell everyone. Get it over with and not worry about the anxiety of the secret and people "finding out". He wants to keep it a secret.


    Should I wait a few months and see if I still feel like just telling everyone?

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