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Posts posted by earthyboy

  1. I have been having an off and on itching/burning sensation down there for maybe a few days now. If I had herpes this would be my first outbreak. I plan to get tested soon. The thing is, I already have some skin conditions so it makes it difficult to be certain what is and isn't herpes. For instance, the itching and burning could be from my eczema. I also have had papules and hair follicle bumps along with the occasional zit in the area since I was young. I haven't had anything that I would really describe as a blister though. The only thing I've seen are what appear to be papules around the size of a pin prick with some larger. These don't really pop like a blister but release some liquid if squeezed. I'm not so sure what to make of anything I've seen hence me getting tested soon. I haven't had any of the "textbook" symptoms though so I'm really not sure. My main concern is autoinoculation. The other night I was examining the area and without thinking I picked my nose afterwards (gross, I know). I'm concerned that I could have potentially transmitted herpes to my sinuses. Is this possible? I'm less nervous about the possibility of having herpes down there (it really doesn't seem like a big deal) than I am about having it up my nose/on my face. I have heard of people getting it up there nose but I'm not sure if there is any truth to that.

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