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Posts posted by Brandy123

  1. Hi everyone!


    First, I am so glad this website exists! I need some advice!


    During mid December I had a cold and developed what felt like a canker sore. A few days later I got strep and a few days into it I developed again what I thought (and so did urgent care) a bad canker sore under my tongue. Ever since then I've been getting canker sores like every week but they have been getting milder in degree. I only get one at a time in different areas. About 2 weeks ago, I felt one developing again and so I saw the nurse practitioner at my doctor's office. She suspected that it was oral herpes and gave me Acyclovir. I misheard what she said about the dosage and only took 1 pill for a few days. Once the barely developed canker sore went away (which is did like 2 days later) I just stopped taking the Acyclovir (oops). Then a few days later, under my tongue felt irritated and there was a small red dot. I went to see the nurse practitioner again, and she prescribed me Acyclovir again. She also told me to make an appointment with my dentist because she didn't know too much about the tongue. Today, has been one week since I've been taking the Acyclovir (5x a day--didn't mess up this time). I haven't had any canker sores but yesterday under my tongue felt irritated again and there was another small red dot. I also noticed that both times that this happened, I was eating a toasted bagel. But this doesn't happen every time I eat a bagel.


    So, what do you guys think? I feel like the nurse practitioner wasn't super helpful--I'm confused about what it is. I've been doing research and I understand that canker sores are NOT herpes. I've just been referring to them as canker sores because that's what they feel like. I've never experienced anything like this. Before I would occasionally get canker sores once in awhile. It may be worth noting that my boyfriend did have molluscum contagium in his groin area over the summer but we did not do anything until he was cleared by his doctor.


    Also, does this mean that I will start getting cold sores?


    Should I go see my OBGYN or dentist or both?


    Please let me know what you guys think!


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