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Posts posted by connect

  1. While, I'm new to this too, I can say it will get better and don't be to down on yourself. You will get physically better and than have good/bad mental days. However, you will get through and this site is so helpful. I try to meditate and do yoga....all suggestions from others on here. I eat healthy (I have been bad lately hehe) but come Monday back on the wagon. I feel better when I eat better. Stay strong and you will find your way.

  2. Thank you! My doctor said to get it. I have never had the flu and I never got the shot either. I am getting older and would be unsure about getting it, even if I didn't have herpes. I am thankful for your input! I would love to hear from other too. However, I am pretty sure I will be getting the shot this week. Thanks again.

  3. Having a sad night...not sure I can keep dealing with this! I have tried to stay positive but I just don't think I can do this. I don't feel good again and I hate feeling embarrassed, alone and just plain sad.

  4. Just wanted to update {just in case anyone else ever had this issue} The Nair hair remover on my lip worked out just fine!! lol They sell a tube that is made to apply to smaller areas. I held my breath and applied it and it worked just fine.....the hair monster no more!! As for the chapped lips...they've gotten better and I use Carmex when I remember. It's crazy, one realizes just how much one really neglects themselves when faced with having to pay attention to yourself!!


    I'm about 8/9 weeks into this {feels like years} and it's tough navigating but I will keep moving along. Thanks for all your encouraging and supportive words. I truly don't know how I would be able to move forward without this forum. Wish I knew how to find my spirit again {suggestions welcomed}....I guess I need to just allow time to work it's magic.

  5. I would also like to add...Wash your sheets etc. make your bed fresh (get like Tide with Downy. (if you can handle light scents.... it makes every thing smell so fresh) and fix your room nice and your bed. Keep your room cool. Put loose fitting clothes on and try to play this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0IOf08pTRc put your earphones in as you fall asleep. It has been really helpful for me. I'm not good at meditating but this is helping. I don't make a huge effort, I just listen and relax.


    If you were my child...I would hug you and tell you just what I have told you here. (I'm 45 a mother and the truth is I haven't told anyone and all I want is a hug and a good cry with my mom!


    Stay in school, go to the clinic (they can give you something for the itching, try to speak with someone with experience in the clinic. College (under any circumstance) and worrying will make you constipated....it happens when our bodies are stressed and in a new environment. Drink prune juice with a little apple juice, ice (need the ice) and mix it together. Go slow, a cup in the morning (see how that goes) then try adding a cup at night if you need it. Take a walk...it will help. I also would suggest looking into taking some vitamins.


    As two wise ladies on here told me......you need to love yourself and give yourself the attention you wished you got from someone else. Learning to control this and just making it a part of your life will do wonders. Don't let it lead your life or define you. We can all navigate this together..collectively we can heal our minds and souls. Thinking of you~and sending hugs.

  6. Thank you and I agree with both of you...I would like to make one thing clear...I'm not blaming the chapped lips on Herpes but rather the meds and vitamins. I'm working on the paranoia too I'm fighting hard!! lol I'm the first one to admit it.....EVERY LITTLE F-ING THING HAS ME THINKING.......I keep saying to myself...do I really need to know my body this well? I know for sure some of these paranoia's have been here I just didn't think about them before.


    I have not had a outbreak on my lips but do have something going on and it may be a breakout or it may be the meds. making my lips chapped. I do have tingling in my ear (so I'm figuring it's coming}


    Back to the issue at hand.....I feel like a hairy monster {which isn't really that bad or noticeable but it bothers me) because I have gotten my lip wax every 2 weeks for the past 20 years! lol It's now been over a month without a waxing. As crazy as it sounds, I a little more concerned about the hairy inherited lip right now ROFL. I'm cracking up because I am having pretty embarrassing personal convo with complete strangers, who truly if not for them {you} I would have never gotten through the last 6 weeks. A million thank yous and keep the good work up...... so many are benefiting. Cheers my friends.

  7. Hi! First off...I am so new to this too and having a struggle myself. However, I know two things for sure.....1. You need to stay in school 2. there is over the counter stuff you can buy to help ease the itching. If you can go to the clinic at school and speak to someone I think that would help. Also, ask for lidocaine cream. I'm getting the feeling {and I do this too} I get myself so worked up I itch am paranoid about everything. I'm learning that I need to breath and try relaxing techniques you can youtube them "guided meditation" I like Chopra. This is all advice I received from people on this site and it has help. Drink a lot of water too and try focusing your mind on something else.

    Please as someone who left school and didn't return short of one semester to graduate DON'T LEAVE SCHOOL! Keep positive~

  8. Hi, Thank you for writing. I don't know for sure but I have only had an outbreak genitally. However, my lips are dry and chapped probably not that bad but every little thing is making me crazy {I started using Carmex was too scared to use it before} and it might be the meds and vitamins I am taking.


    I guess your're right, if I don't try, I will never really know. I have shaved down there and it's been fine. It's my face I'm worried about......I need to get rid of this hair!! lol {Again, it's probably not that bad just me!!} Thank you again...I so happy I found this site...

  9. I had my first herpes outbreak last month was good for like a week having another one but very minor so far. No outbreaks on my lips but my lips are very dry and chapped. I go back and forth with this because I’m so paranoid. I think it could possibly be the meds and vitamins that is causing this…thoughts?


    Also, I am of Mediterranean descent and have a medium to darker complex. I have gotten my lip and eyebrows waxed forever……. now I am so scared to get waxed!! Do you think waxing will bring out the virus on my lip? Does anyone have experience with this? Please help….I can’t stand looking at myself!!



  10. what vitamins and how much do you take to boost immune system and fight OB?


    Hello, New to this and trying to figure out a process that will work for me. There is so many different regiments online ....it's confusing! lol Would love to hear what others do. Give specific doses please. I don't want to be over zealous and just start taking everything under the sun! lol

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