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Still collecting stories of amazing "Positive People"

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I'm happy to say the book "Positive People" is coming along splendidly. I just submitted the first handful of stories to my editor so she can begin editing them and she's simply blown away. In her words, "These people are incredible and their bravery in sharing their stories is genuinely inspiring." We met for a couple of hours today and she's eager to see this book finished by the August 17th publish date we've set.


I want to say thank you to everyone who has shared their stories with me, and allowed me to write them up for them. It's an honor to be working with you and I'm confident that this book is going to help a lot of people get over the hump we all climb when we're diagnosed. This book is only one of the many projects myself and others are working on this summer that are going to start turning the stigma back in this country. It's a long road, but trust me when I say that there are some fantastic people laying some solid groundwork that's going to make that possible. We're on the cutting edge and we're about to slice right through the fog of stigma that's settled in over this country.


For now, I'm busy writing. I've collected 15 stories; 5 that are now being edited, and the other 10 are drafted and nearly complete. When I started the project, I decided I wanted 25. I still do. That means I have 10 more stories to tell for this first book.


So, ask yourself: How brave am I? If you're strong enough. If you're brave enough. If you wake up in the morning and refuse to let the H keep you down. If you want to see things change in this country and around the world, then Herry the Herp wants you.


All you have to do is answer these questions and send them to me at oldmainstreetpublishing@yahoo.com. From there, I'll begin writing your story and we will use your experience to help others get through the same things we did. If you've already sent me a message letting me know "you're in," and just haven't gotten around to sending these back to me, please let me know and I'll remember to hold your spot.



Give me as much information as possible. The more I have, the easier it is to tell your story and convey your personality, your interests, and your message to those who are going to be reading these. Each question should be answered with between 3-10 sentences. With each of these, there is no such thing as oversharing as the more info I have, the better the story I can write. Once I have these, I'll write your story, you and I will edit it together, then I'll send it to the editor for their take, then we'll do one more round of editing together, and voila!, your story will be complete. All told, I'll need about 3 hours of your time between now and mid-August.


1. Who were you before you got H? Tell me about your personality, interests, dreams, goals, and life.


2. How did you meet the person who "gifted" you with H? What attracted you to them? Set the scene and give me as much information as you can here. Did you have a relationship? Get married? One night stand?


3. When did you find out you had acquired herpes? How did you find out? Give me all the details of the doctor visit (if there was one), how you were told, etc. Set the scene.


4. How did you feel when you were diagnosed? Give me a rundown of your emotions, thoughts, etc.


5. Did you tell anyone when you were diagnosed? Did you have support/guidance? Who, what, when, where, etc. Did you go online? Seek counseling? Go to the library and research all you could?


6. How did you tell your partner the news? How did they react? Set the scene and feel free to overshare here.


7. Do you have HSV1, HSV2, or both?


8. What did you know about H before you acquired it? How did you treat it before you were positive? Were you rigorous about STD testing with partners, or more blaise, etc.?


9. How mild/severe have your symptoms been? Describe your outbreaks, frequency, treatments, etc.


10. How has having H affected your life? Has it affected your dating/sex life? How important are sex/relationships to you?


11. Have you disclosed to a partner? How did that go? How did you disclose?


12. What are your goals/dreams/plans for the future?


13. Have you ever failed to disclose to a partner?


14. Have you been confronted with "Herpes jokes" since your diagnosis? How did that make you feel?


15. How do you control/relieve your stress? Has it helped with H?


16. Have you changed your diet or taken supplements or suppressive therapy to help manage H?


17. What would you say to someone who is recently diagnosed? Give your helpful tips and suggestions.


18. Have your family/friends been supportive, helpful?


19. What name do you want used in the book? You can pick whatever you'd like. The only person who will ever know your real name is me.


20. Summarize your journey for me. Tell me how it's changed you as a person. Has it?











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Hey Sammy,


Thank you, I try to keep it interesting. I hear you on the bucket list, and quite frankly, this li'l virus is what lit the fire. It reminded me that life is fickle and you are only guaranteed today to get your dreams in order.


That's a good question. I'd prefer stories of people who are to the point of acceptance or beyond. The goal of the book is to show people that "Hey, yeah, it sucks, and here's what I went through, but I'm on the other side of the hill and moving forward now. I'm ok, you'll be ok." You don't have to be to the point Dancer, Adrial, or myself are (almost to where they are, a few more steps), but definitely on that trajectory is what I'm looking for. If you want, send me an email and we can talk more about it.

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