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36 weeks pregnant and confused

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All this from what the doctor told me and look up in my medical fill. So back in 2013 I went to the ER for lesion on my vaginal area. The ER just gave me medicine without the results. I than later a few weeks later went to my clinic. The doctor there took a culture of lesion (on vaginal) it came back postive for hsv 1 and negative for hsv 2. The doctor prescribed antiviral pills. So I go to the doctor again in 2016 for lesion again this time another doctor at my clinic does the culture (on vaginal). It comes back positive for hsv 1 and negative for hsv 2. In 2017 I go back to my clinic to have a well women. They took my blood for hsv 1 and hsv 2. Both came back not detected. Now I'm 2018 in one of the doctors at my clinic says I have hsv 2. I'm currently 36 weeks pregnant and freaking out. They want me to take antiviral. Here we're I'm confused the doctor was not sure because she wasreading other people notes left in my chart. She also said it can't be hsv 1 because it was on my gential area. That the blood test I had done could gave afalse negative result. In the only way for sure I would if I have it is if I had a breakout and came back for her to test it. I want know has anyone else experience this? In should the herpes antibodies be in my blood if I had since 2013 or 2016? Please help me

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I would go to another doctor. HSV 1 and 2 can be in either area. I have type 1 genitally and my boyfriend has type 1 and is asymptomatic completely. I am sorry you care throughout the years has produced such confusing care. You can get your blood type tested to find out what type you have. That is how we found out what type both me and my boyfriend have (he has never shown any symptoms).

I used Healthlabs.com. You do not have to use them but i like them and they are trust worthy. I am NOT advertising for them, they are just the only way I could get the type blood test done without paying for a doctor visit or all kinds or lab fees or other blood tests since I do not have insurance. I would recommend either going to another doctor and telling them you need to be type tested, trying a clinic, or the healthlabs place. You can pass HSV to you baby if you are not on antivirals or other preventive measures. 

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