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  1. It’s no longer an open sore the mark is just taking long to heal now what can i put on I️t to make it heal faster
  2. I picked at my outbreak an it turned to a scar taking longer to heal ... anyone have any suggestions on over the counter creams or ointments ?
  3. I was unaware I had a very small one bump outbreak and received oral sex for about 4 minutes I am on 1000mg suppressive therapy but i am worried about my partner . Anyone know how probable it is that i passed the virus ? I’m aware that it is nearly impossible with out an outbreak but when i realized i had one i am now nervous .
  4. We just started but I have had unprotected sex in the past i just take my meds everyday and have never had a problem... again haven’t had a breakout in a long time so this just kinda freaked me out especially to c it the next morning
  5. Thank u so much . It was unprotected sex I guess I’m more worried about if the friction did cause the breakout which I’m pretty sure that’s what happened could the breakout have occurred during the sex which would make it more likely that i passed it on . I take 1000mg of valtrex daily
  6. I don’t have outbreaks in general I take surpressive therpy . Me and my GF ( who is not infected ) had ruff sex last night and I woke Up this morning with a little red bump on my penis . Not 1000 percent sure if it’s an outbreak but I’m assuming because it looks similar but not open an not really a blister . If it was caused by the ruff sex do you think she is ok ?
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