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Everything posted by JJD

  1. Sd2018 in answer to some of your questions 1) she does have risks to contract hsv2 from you just as my husband did 2) using antivirals doesn’t mean you are eliminating the risk of passing it on they just helpsurpress it and also speed up the blisters going when you do have a break out. The best way is condoms all the time but if you don’t want to do that (totally understand) you monitor and watch carefully for signs you have a outbreak coming like tingles etc and don’t have sex during that time. I don’t used antivirals, only when an outbreak but now I don’t even for that I use herbal things to make the outbreak go quicker and I try and ride it out. 3- definitely could still infect her if you have sex during an outbreak - worse time to have sex. Covering it doesn’t mean she won’t get it as sometimes it’s in other areas without a promonant blister while you have one you think is the o my one and you are covering it. There’s a thing called shedding when you can get it without blisters, look into it 4) just the lower torso so region My husband got it from me but just because we now both have it doesn’t mean we have sex when either of us has an outbreak because it’s uncomfortable and just means we start the others flare up again and that’s pretty rubbish. So we wait until it’s done (my husband uses antivirals ) and then we get to it lol.
  2. So stoneman this does not mean your wife cheated on you.. in fact she could just as easily assume that of you. The thing with herpes is generally you can’t know how long you have had it or if it’s been dormant for ages .. when you go to the doctors you have to specifically ask to be tested for this in particular. My husband got it from me as I had it before we met from an ex who never discolosed but would just say stupid things like he had trapped his penis in his zipper so we couldn’t have sex for a week blah blah .. I even rember now looking back his medication. He actually came over after we broke up once and we had sex and then 6 days later I had the worst outbreak of my life to date. I knew it was defo from him as he had it and had given it to me. But I thank god I got it as I would never have been as cautious and several boyfriends after wouldn’t stick around when I disclosed but then along came my husband and he listened and got it having studied medicine at uni. He took the risk and we used protection but sometimes didn’t and once when it seeemd I didn’t have an outbreak he got it. However he tested negative to it 3 times!! But he still knew after the 2nd time it was that so he used abtivirals when it came up. So no she could have had it for a long time and never had a flare up strong enough to know OR you could have and the same thing. I only knew because it was the most awful painful experience and happened after we had sex and I confronted him and he laughed about it. So look to your marriage and if it was happy and full of trust before than be happy you have her support and can tackle this together.
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