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Everything posted by Ceilingfan1

  1. Hi everyone, I’ve had Genital hsv1 for 11 years and only have had an outbreak maybe 6 or so times. There’s been lots of times I’ve thought I was getting an OB, but I think that popping the medicine has prevented it from happening. Anyhow, I think stress has brought on a full blown OB again so I’ve been on the medicine for two days. Once my OB goes away, I plan on taking the medicine for a while to suppress it. In the meantime, my boyfriend is coming home in 5 days who I have not seen in a year!! He knows about my situation and he is clear & free is any std’s. Obviously if my OB isn’t gone by then, I will not expose him to the disease. But if it’s cleared up, is it still too soon to have sex?? I’ve read that there’s a shedding phase, but my doctor said hsv1 doesn’t shed. I’m so confused. I just hope this is gone before he gets back and I’ll be in the clear. Thoughts?
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