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Posts posted by Joe

  1. Sounds like your over the biggest hurdle which is telling him. I'm 19 male and the thought of doing that sickens me!! I dread the day that comes lol as I'm still new to this myself I can only say the fact you are both going through this has to be seen as a huge advantage! Use this website.. Wait for advice... The people on here really do help.

  2. Hello I'm 19 yr old male and I have had H for around 3 months now. It's been a rocky road so far.. Depression, fear, shame, lots of tears! But slowly coming around and starting to feel better. I now find myself at this stage of moving on, Trying to create a life with H and put it behind me. Iv been reading the discussions and they are really helpful but I think all I have read are from women. Any advice? This is abit about my situation anyway.


    It's come to the point now where I have been alone for 4 months. I came out of a 7 month relationship and ended up getting the H on a Ibiza (get over her) holiday... Great plan! Not!


    I find it hard to start again.. I want so badly what I had before. I look at girls on nights out as pointless attempts. I know full well I can't take it any further without getting into a deep relationship but that's hard enough to find on its own. I know I can put her in my position with one mistake. I feel trapped by this. Iv had to turn down girls because I'm thinking long term and worse case scenario.. It's so frustrating having to think of excuses for why I won't sleep with her and lying about the last time I had sex so mates don't question me! Great example my brother was seeing a girl and she had a very attractive sister who was interested.. She wanted it but when I was asked why I wasn't making a move I slipped out "I can't"... That was a tricky one lol


    Is there many younger girls that are mature enough to accept this? Probably not. If things go wrong after a relationship will she use it against me? If I tell her will I get a straight rejection? I know it's life.. But don't know how to cope with awkward, dangerous "moves". Feeling like I couldn't take the embarrassment after spending time with someone.


    Iv looked at valtrex and that is expensive! Is that 1000mg a day or multiple? Does taking 5 aday have the same affect as 1 everyother? Is there cheaper options.. More effective options? What's your experiences? Cheers!

  3. These really help!! 19yr male here!. Is there many younger girls that are mature enough to accept something like H!? The pressure of finding and deciding if they are trustworthy enough not to tell people after a 7-8 month relationship ends or worse.. plain rejection and exposure straight after? Feeling like the light at the end of the tunnel is a fair few years away..

  4. Hello


    I found out I have herpes around 4-5 weeks ago after my first outbreak. The flu pretty much took the wind out of me which lasted a month easy! I have had no sores or symptoms for about 2 weeks now and very slowly getting back to myself. I know I am no way near ready to get back to my old high sex drive but I need some answers on some very burning questions!

    Now i understand I have this responsibility. I don't want to put someone through what I am going through... Something the person I met never felt!!!! Lol


    If after weeks and weeks of no symptoms and I don't use protection.. Will she get it? And not because I'm lazy but because I'm 19!! I'm like a rabbit!! lol if I use condoms every single time it will look weird, i will use a pack of condoms every 2 days lol and most relationships my age last 2months so I won't be able to tell them the truth.. And if she says "btw I'm on the pill" i won't have a answer!!


    Also as being a typical male... I love oral sex!! lol but again.. If she wants to give me oral sex do I have to say "wait just let me get another condom"!? And if not will she be effected? Also I haven't had any mouth sores so if I return the favour is she in trouble?


    It honestly.. And shamefully feels safer to have a one night stand and use a condom than risk the embarrassment and risk of spreading herpes to a partner.

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