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Posts posted by Questionable

  1. So currently I am at 4 weeks and one day.  Both igg tests came back negative - but that’s of course non 100% because it was a baseline.

    Symptoms of fever and swollen lymph nodes - attributed due to strange testicle pain - felt like my tubes connecting my penis to my testicles felt “stiff”.  Hopped on the ole inter webs and researched the living crap out of it.  The symptoms were 100%  Went to the doctor and they checked me out and said I have Epididymitis - on antiobiotics now for the bacterial infection.  3 days left - all tension and pain gone.  So feeling much better.

    side affect from Antibiotics - have a psoriasis outbreak on my penis - WHICH has happened before.  Saw it and my brain went bananas - no itchiness - no puffiness or soreness - just “blotchy skin” after three days of an assigned topical it has 99% disappeared.  No pain no blisters so that was reassuring.

    Anxiety has since gone from 100% to 10% and I’ve been keeping busy.  

    I currently have to wait till the 8 week mark to be comfortably sure.  

  2. Went to the doctors - they did an in depth physical exam after I ran the whole situation - said it would most likely be anxiety - had em check every bump and crevice - physical exam passed with flying colors.


    22 days after exposure no outbreak 

    did the blood work - IGG - i know it’s early but I wanted to get a baseline - will have results in 3-4 days.  Fingers crossed! 

  3. Never gave the person oral - I think my stress over all this made me have an outbreak of an already existing HSV1 outbreak on my face.  Which is understandable - as I had my first ever panic/anxiety attack ever when I focused on it.  I mean I jump out of planes and do crazy shit and have never had anxiety like I have for the past 20 days - couldn’t sleep - didn’t want food - the whole 9.

    I have never had an oral swab before - but it looks classically like a herpes honeycomb.

    Worry from the long term relationship is BECAUSE  we opened the relationship up due to rough times - hence worries about this being the proverbial nail in the coffins.



  4. Hi, 

    I got drunk and had a one off encounter with someone who disclosed after the fact.

    We made out and then clothes popped off - she gave me oral and then I placed protection on.  We had sexual intercourse and after wards I took the condom off.  

    She laid on top of me for a while and then I left.  Afterwards ( the next morning I got a disclosure text stating she had herpes and had it for 12 years - she stated she New he’s body well and hadn’t had an outbreak in over a year).  I asked what type - she stated she didn’t know - she only knew she had herpes.  

    I of course was immediately in shock - and the anxiety train cranked up.  The next day I was at a dinner party - felt like absolute shit - BUT after arriving home and describing my symptoms - my roommate confirmed he had the same thing -

    que temperature taking religiously and checking my downstairs for any suspect bumps, cuts - you’ve heard it.

    So feel tinglies and ball itches and gut pain for the next 3 days with loose stool - still same thing for my roommate - so I’m thinking all in my head.  

    The next 2.5 weeks is me - anytime I feel my underwear touch anything and feels scratchy sprinting to the bathroom and checking business out.  Balls were red and itchy all over - no lesions.  Redness is still there (maybe I never realized how red my balls were?)

    Anywhoo - here is the thing - I went to concerts - went jogging - did lots of stuff - went on dates.  When I wasn’t thinking about it - never ever felt anything.  Also - when I took clothes off and was naked - NO ITCHES EVER.  Chill in bed - sit and watch a movie - whatever and no itches or tingles at all - hence why I think it’s my anxiety or something bacterial.

    que three days ago - sittin on couch feel a tingle on my lip - uncouncioualy scratch - felt strange.  Check my face - three red blisters below my nose above my lip - tingles and burns.  Been checking my temp and low and behold - I get a low grade fever (.5 above normal). After 4 days slight temp dissapears.  To be clear if I have HSV1 on my face - it’s a homerun - in the sense that it’s the easier one to disclose and the majority of people have it (socially and mentally this one would be easier) 

    i had one cold sore two years ago in my face - and of course never had it swabbed - going in Saturday to get checked but - here we are at 20 days - no more itching - never got to painful and when distracted never felt the itching.  

    What are your thoughts?

    to be 100% honest if I got it - I got it - nothing I can change.  More worried because me and my 12 yr partner are on a break and this was MY FIRST ENCOUNTER!  Going back and letting her know I hmgot aomething might just destroy the relationship. 

    You can be brutal and honest.


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