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Everything posted by Disney36

  1. I'm definitely keeping him at a distance. The things he said were very hurtful and completely out of ingorance, if he had cared and done any amount of research he would have know what he was saying was completely false and not hurt me. Thank you for your advice, I've been one foot out the door from that day.
  2. Me too, It also made me realize I'm still me, not just a statistic. If you ever need to talk feel free to send me a message.
  3. Thanks, I sent him links to different sites, hes researched himself (so he says).
  4. You are awesome!! Thanks you so much. When I explain to him his herpes is the same as my herpes he gets upset. I'm 36 years old, have 2 kids, I tell up front bcz I'm not wasting my time or theirs, I'm not getting any younger, lol. I dont think I'm going to keep going after him, if he is that ignorant and paranoid, he can't get tested after each time we have sex, that would be crazy and he would never be comfortable with it. I've been doing a lot of thinking and sole searching and realized he will never see me for me, just for what I have. Thanks you for all of your support.
  5. Thank you for responding. I keep telling him that his condition is the same exact thing as mine, he told me to stop comparing him to me, they are totally different, he would never be rejected for a cold sore, very big blow to the gut. I told him I am still me, nothing has changed that. He keeps talking about the what ifs, I told him what if we have an amazingly active and happy life together and what if you never get it. I also told him I completely understand his hesitation, I didn't sign up for this.
  6. Hi, I was diagnosed with genital hsv2 in April, I've only had one breakout. I've been dating an awesome guy for 2 weeks, we've been on 2 dates, I told him my status at the end of our 2nd date, he has hsv1 orally. He is freaking out, but still talking to me, hes said some really hurtful things out of fear and ignorance. He is willing to take things slowly and try and work through it, I feel myself pushing him away, bcz I don't want him to settle. I asked him if we slept together would he regret it, he said when it happens I will be in my doctors office the next day getting tested. That statement killed me, I feel like in his eyes I'm a walking petri dish and it hurts. Thank you for reading this, I guess I'm just looking for some advice and support.
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