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Posts posted by Freedom87

  1. I have done the online thing and even without Herpese its a beast. I had a rule with myself to either disclose before the first meeting or no later then the 3rd date.

    10 months ago I disclosed to a guy before our 2nd date. He said he "needed to think about it". I said "I was a great girl herpese doesnt define me and the right guy will see past it and I wasnt ok waiting around for someone to think about if I was worth dating". We agreed to be freinds instead of dating. He became my best freind! (Strictly platonic). Not once did he blow me off or even miss a good morning text. He also quickly started seeing me as more then my herpese and actually without prompting apologized to me for even saying he needed to think about it. One month ago we decided to start a relationship. We couldnt be happier!

    My advice is, its fine he needs to think about it but its not fine for him to blow you off or make you wait on him to decide. I think you deserve better then to wait around for a guy. I  think sometimes we feel we need to be patient and understanding towards peoples reactions, in the end thats not true. Dont forget herpese doesnt make you less lovable, less worthy of common courtesy or even freindship!


  2. Each situation is different. I do not take meds daily. I use L-lysine daily which is a natural supplement to aide in suppressing the virus and some other natural meds to boost my immune system.

    At first diagnosis its scary and you want to do anything to never experiance it again. Understandable! However, you may never get another outbreak! So no need for daily meds right! 

    I like the natural approach, it works for me. Thats not for everyone, but maybe keep it as an option or discuss with your doctor as another option then daily prescription.

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  3. I have yet to find someone accepting of my diagnosis. I find a lack of education when it comes to my potential partners and it sounds like your partner may have been as well.

    On a positive note I have two freinds who married men with herpese. They both contracted it from them over time. They love their husbands and chose a life with them regardless of a virus.

    If its the right one, they will not care and my freinds are proof that those people exist!!

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  4. I think its great to hope for a cure, but at this time I have found no evidence of one.

    I avoid chemicals and eat clean, take care of myself, get good sleep etc and I dont get OB unless i get severely sick, which only happened once. 

    I think the best we can do is keep our bodies healthy. 

    If you find a cure, shout it from the rooftops as there are plenty of us who would love it! 

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  5. I feel everyone is different when it comes to an OB.

    I had one sore with mine, lasted 3 days. When the sore was gone i was swollen and slightly tender at the location for 1 week. I treated mine with Lavender essential oils which can aid in itching, my itching subsided with the oil. So yes its normal to itch but there are things you can do to alleviate it. 

    It will get better 🙂

  6. Ive only had one OB and my sore lasted 3 days but i live a very natural life style (chemical free). I also applied lavendar essential oil to my sore 3x daily and when at home and overnight i wore no underwear. I only use baking soda to wash "down there". I use a spray bottle filled with coconut oil and lavendar essential oils to spray my whole body after a shower and to shave. I take and diffuse essential oils to relieve stress and boost my immune system.

    Hope this helps!!

  7. Im sorry your going through this. I think the worst thing is feeling not in control of ones body.

    I agree doctors are no help. From reading your 2 post it seems your very stressed in several areas and understandably so! We can have great things in our lives and not even realize how much we truly are stressed. 

    I use a diffuser with lavender essential oils in it overnight as thats when my stress is most high. May be something to look into! As stress can cause flare ups.

    Also it seems you have taken a very natural approach to your health but if you havent already,  look into only washing with baking soda.

    Something changed that your now suffering these constant OB so it may do you well to keep a journal of everything you do and eat, even document your emotions. You may find a pattern!!

    If your ever feeling that low again. Im here to talk 🙂

    Hope this helps!

  8. Im a big believer in clean living to eleviate OB (personal opinion). I use only natural products like cleaners, bath soaps etc. I also use alot of essential oils to help my immunes system and stress level. My thought process behind the clean living is chemicals throw off PH balances, hormones, immune system etc and essential oils aid in assisting the body and mind. Its worked for me but as others have said everyone is different! I also take birth control continuously, never getting my period and keeping my hormones level, as so as most women get OB near there period due to hormone fluctuation.


    Hope this helps!!

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  9. I use a spray bottle filled with coconut oil and lavendar essential oil and spray the area thoroughly. I then rub it in good and shave. After, i spray more and rub in. I also only use baking soda to wash "down there" . Everyone is different but thought its worth sharing!

  10. I have hsv2 and was recently diagnosed. I actually asked my doctor the same and he got back to me that yes i can spread it even without an OB. My doctor suggested if i start a relationship i should go on meds to lower the chances of spreading it to my partner. So i would ask your doctor but it seems wise to not share drinks, chapstick etc. Im simply relaying what mine told me.

    As for your ex partner wanting to be freinds....only you know the story and history to this but in my opinion freinds dont lie or put themselves before someone elses life and health for selfish gain. He knowingly (according to your post) gave this to you so you either need to move on to healthier relationship/freindships or accept the freindship he's presented to you which seems toxic. Ultimately its not an overreaction on your part and if he cant respect you needing time you may want to block his number.

    Hope this helped🙂

    • Thanks 1
  11. Not at all! Ive been using essential oils for 2yrs now and started it for anxiety as meds werent working. I can honestly say my anxiety is under control with no meds but oils alone.

    Ive used oils for many things from PCOS to mosquito bites. Theyre amazing!!! 

    I will be adding some new ones to my regimine with my diagnosis of herpes.i already started with lavender for my sore.

    I believe we consume too many chemicals, from food to lotions to air fresheners. I started 6 months ago making small changes in that area. I only use natural cleaners with essential oils as well as body wash (baking soda for "lower regions" as it balances PH levels). Im now throwing out my lotions and making homemade with coconut oil and essentail oils.

    Its all about hormone balance (in my opinion) so lowering your chemical intake and filling it with oils would benefit anyone!

    Is there something specific your interested in knowing about them?

    I also love the book Essential Oils Ancient Medicine... super easy to understand, theres a page just for herpes!


  12. I was recently diagnosed so i cant say to my recurrence rate yet. But my first and so far only OB wasnt "horrible" and they say the first is the worst so my fingers are crossed but i feel that is in part to me taking birth control continuously.... meaning i never get my period and my hormones stay level (a trigger is periods) also i am huge into essential oils and even used it directly on my sore which soothed it ( my sore healed in 3 days). I too eat clean and excersice so maybe look into the continuous birth control and essentail oils!! Hope this helps!

    Ps. I started essentail oils for anxiety and found a ton of other benefits from it so it may help you with stress!

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