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Posts posted by Soawful

  1. Guy I’m dating has hsv2 and I have ghsv1.  He is taking a daily dose of acyclovir 200mg. I’m baffled with that dosage. I have always read 500 Iis the suppressive dose. Any thoughts? I’m going to check with him and tell him to talk to his doc but does anyone have any feedback ? From what u know, that’s just not a high enough dose. Thanks! 

  2. Thanks for all your responses, guys.  I appreciate it. I admit. ..I for some reason felt relieved I have ghsv1 as opposed to 2 but at the end of the day, it really is all the same thing, though from what I’ve read, ghsv1 sufferers have less chances of frequent outbreaks.  I prob won’t be with the guy I’m  dating now forever so I fear disclosing to someone. I doubt a guy is going to analyze between ghsv1 and 2....if it’s on my girl parts, that’s that. 

  3. hey there. I’m feeling a little vulnerable sharing my story again; I’m fearful  people on here will judge me or say of her again. Alas I am spilling my guts out anyway in hopes that since we share the same awful virus, you can relate. 

    Long story short...I contracted ghsv1 about five months ago. I’m so bummed st how my sex life will change but that’s a whole other topic. I met a guy a month or so ago and he told me right away he has hsv2. I like him and decided I wanted to be intimate with despite the feat of contracting hsv2. We’re using  condoms and he’s taking daily antiviraks. I think I caught hsv2 on my mouth now tho as I go down on him without a rubber. Guess I have to go get checked but I have no health insurance. I have read it’s rare to get 2 in your mouth but I’m pretty sure urbywothat need. I walked into eyes ride open but now I really feel like a leper. Anyone have 2 in their mouth?  Ugh h is such a bummer. So bummed I have it.

  4. Hey all. I have genital hsv1 and I’m still confused on if I can spread it to a partner’s genitals. I feel like I read somewhere it I hard to transfer hav1 from genital to genital. I have been under the impression that ghsv1 is the “better” is the two h strains below the belt. 

    Also, id a person has hsv1 on their mouth, are they immune to getting it from me ob their genitals? Any links you can share would be great too. 


  5. Hello all. Im

    confused and scared. I contracted genital hsv1 a few months ago. Valtrex cleated it up.  Once I was finally beginning to get past the horror of having this awful condition which makes me feel like a leper, i met someone who immediately told me he has HSV2.  He’s had it for thirty years, so he’s so confident he won’t pas it to me, but I know there are no guarantees what with viral shedding. We have had sex using condoms a few times. He does not so suppressive therapy. I do NOT want to contract HSV2. The guy is being really douche about the whole thing. He does not want to use condoms and everyone I tell him I am scared of getting hsv2, he freaks out. You’d think his lack of respect for my concerns would be a deal breaker, but for some reason Im still messing with him. I will not sleep with him without conforms, that’s for sure. He would never be intimate when he’ has a breakout; who would? That would be so painful. I’m just wondering if anyone here is hsv2 positive or has a partner who is. Have you or your partner contracted it with condom use? I have read varying statistics on the percentage rate of contraction when using rubbers but I’m not clear. I know there’s no surefire way to prevent the spread. H really sucks. If there weren’t such a stigma, it would just be an annoying condition. I fear that if I catch hsv2, potential partners will reject me. HSV1 down below is bad enough, but considering so many people are carriers if they, perhaps people will be more understanding. My doc recommends I use suppressive valtrex therapy for my hsv1 because it’s new to mthe body abs sometimes I freak out that ok about yo have an outbreak but I’m not sure. What are your thoughts on this? Doctor said getting steady doses of antivirals in my system may help load me up and keep it st bay. Haven’t had another outbreak ever I know of, but anytime I feel an itch or a burn, I freak out. No sores present they o can see.  Also, do you suggest I get blood test for hsv2? Doctor said to wait two months so that the test results are accurate. If I don’t get the test, do you think the right thing to do is tell future partners that I was exposed to it? I’m freaking abs feel like No man will want me. Any stories of how partners reacted to your disclosure are greatly appreciated. Sorry to ramble. Look forward to hearing your insights. 

  6. Interesting topic. I can’t believe I did this but I slept with a guy after he disclosed his hsv2 status to me!  I have recently contracted hsv1 on my girl parts. Not sure why I threw caution to the wind and slept with this guy after the hell I went thru with my ghsv1 diagnosis, but I’m a masochistic risk rusher I guess abs now I’m totally freaking out that now I’ll get  2 on my privates. We did use a condom and he wasn’t having an outbreak.  Why the hell would I take a risk knowing whet he’ll i went thru when I got 1 down below?? Anyone have any emotional support or scientific facts to offer? 

  7. Hi all. I was just diagnosed with genital hsv1 a few Weeks ago. I had a terrible painful first outbreak, and knock wood, things cleared up after the valyciclovor. I only had about three blisters and they are cleared. I’m always paranoid about getting another ob. Just wondering if any ladies have permanent labia do scolitstion sfter getting hsv1 down below? I swear my labiaxwajt always this color but I’m not sure. Please please offer any insight. Also...I’ve read that hsv1 on privates has a lower reoccurance rate than hsv2. Just curious what others of you with genital  hsv1,  especially the ladies, have experienced with outbreaks. I’m so paranoid about getting another. Thanks. I look forward to hearing from you all. 

  8. Man I’m so bummed this virus is a part of my life. 

    I avoided it for so msny years, and then took s risk and got it. Anyways has anyone ever gotten cold sores on their mouth after getting hsv1 down below? I got hsv1 below my waist abs nor I think  K getting a cold sure on my mouth, which I’ve never had in my life. I thought it usually stays in one spot. This shit really sucks. I apologize for being So negative but I’m recently diagnosed and so upset and pissed . I’m mad at myself for knowing better but just went with it in the moment. Im piseed st the guy for supposedly being ignorant but meybebyes just a total douche .ugh

  9. I feel annoying and embarrassed to be posting again, but I really could use support. I posted the other day on here, and I unfortunately have not gotten any responses. I am dying inside so I am reaching out again in hope of connecting with folks who can share their HSV experiences with me.  


     My gynecologist was pretty sure that I have HSV1 on my nether regions, and today I got the official diagnosis after the culture came back positive for HSV1. This is beyond awful, my worst nightmare. .


    I have always been so concerned about contracting an STD, and was always paranoid about it, and rarely let guys go down in me because I was just too afraid of catching h. I am educated and always was very informed about potential transmission of STDs. Yet here I am getting it from someone who had an active cold sore.  I KNEW that I should not have had sex with my partner when he had a very active cold sore on his mouth.  He did not perform oral sex on me, but I guess me kissing him (how dumb could I be?? I knew it as so risky and I was so grossed out but I did it anyway???! I am so mad at myself for being caught up in the heat of the moment!), and then me performing oral on him, and then having condom less vaginal intercourse with him is what got me.  Or, he could have had some of the contagious fluid on his finger and touched me. Or, it was his saliva which he would often throw in to the mix for extra lube. I am so repulsed.  I am mortified; I feel so ashamed and undesirable. I feel like I will be alone forever and will never have sex again. This is  beyond awful.  This is literally my worst nightmare. 


    Any support is appreciated. I know every body is different, but I'd like to hear from folks (especially women) with HSV1 on their girl parts. How often do you have breakouts? Do you get them on your mouth too?  I feel like I will never have sex again, for numerous reasons; fear of total rejection, fear of an outbreak or discomfort during and after sex, fear of transmitting to a partner etc. What are you experiences with all of that? The ValACYclovir  has been helping. I still have the ulcers, of which I only had about three, but they are healing and I'm not in pain like I was. That was the worst pain I have ever experienced, seriously.  Urinating was the most painful thing I have ever felt. I didn’t’ drink any fluids because I was afraid to pee, but then realized more water would be better because it is less acidic.  I also have had a slight fever and the glands in my groin are still swollen. Sorry to sound whiny, but I am devastated, so very ashamed, so afraid and just feel disgusting and like my sexual/romantic life is over.  Oh, and to make matters worse, I have no health insurance right now and am not working. FML. Sorry to be whiny, but this is so painful and traumatic and scary.


    Not sure if I mentioned this;  I am a 42 year old woman. I can't believe I have gone this many years and remained clean from any STD after having a  good deal of  risky unprotected sex.  This man is the only person for the most part that I have slept with in four years, and I get infected with an incurable STD, nonetheless.I am livid at myself because his cold sores always freaked me out, and I always vowed not have sex with him or kiss him when he had one. A few weeks ago was the one and only time I had sex with him while he had a bad cold sore, and he didn't even perform oral on me, and now I am infected. BTW, this man is not someone who I will marry. He has been married once and is too involved with his kids to consider being with me. We've discussed this numerous times. Guess I'll just die alone as a f’ing spinster. Please be gentle with me, folks, and remember how you felt when you were first diagnosed. I don’t mean to be whiny, but I am desperately in need of support so I am reaching out.

    Thank you.

  10. I would love a female buddy that I can talk to Petra Lu in my age group...I’m 42  right now I’m most afraid that I unknowingly gave it my family from sharing toilet or worse when I wiped my nieces bottom and did not know I had this. Obviously I use toilet paper to wipe her but who knows?? Anything is possible. This is fucking awful 

  11. Hi all. I’m a 42 year old woman who has recently been diagnosed with what my doc thinks is hsv1 but on my private parts. We’re stlll waiting for the culture, but my gyno and I are both pretty certain that it’s h. I’m mortified. This is my worst nightmare. I’ve always been so aware and paranoid of stds and after a lot of unprotected sex, I managed to stay clean till now.  I’ve been intimate with the guy who I Xoox breasted it from for like five years. We will never be together and I knew that (it’s complicated) so we just remained friends with BennieS. Anyway, I noticed several times he had big cold sores once in a while. I never said anything to him about it because I thought it would be rude; I just made a mental note to myself to never let him go near my lady parts while he had a cold sore. I pretty much cut off him giving me oral sec all together. I don’t like people going down on me snyafy, largely because o was so afraid of contracting this terrible virus. So yeah he hasn’t gone near my privates eigh his mouth in eons. But anyway, a few weeks ago, we met and he had a big full bloom cold sore. I assumed he knew how contagious they are and that a cold sore is in fact herpes, but apparently he didn’t, which is shocking to me. Anyway, I threw caution to the wind and kissed him a few times thinking to myself what’s a cold sore on my lip ...not the end of the world as long as it isn’t on my lady parts. So I missed him and also performed oral on him. As I mentioned before, his mouth didn’t go anywhere near my privates.  I was freaked out when he (this is graphic and I do not mean to offend but I’m desperate for support and have to share my story), put his hand to his mouth and spit into it for a little extra lunrication. I remember thinking to myself elk that’s bad I should go near his penis after that but I did. I’m sure I had his saliva contaminated private part inside of my privates after the spit or I was thinking that me kissing him and then going down on him would contaminate. But it was all heat if the moment and I also told myself the only way I could be contaminated if by fluid from his sore, not his saliva. (We never used rubbers and I know that was dumb too.)He’s the only person I’ve slept with in a year btw.

    ok so back to the story...maybe a week or so after this incident, I started to have to urinate so much and though it didn’t really burn, I felt like it was a uti, which I’ve had plenty of in my life. I just mostly was peeing constantly and having that weird uti bladder feeling. Unfortunately, to make this whole nightmare even worse, I was laid off several months ago and so I don’t have a job or health insurance. Normally I would have gone to my gynecologist, who I adore, but without insurance, we agreed that I would simply give a tribe sample to the lab to determine exactly which bacteria it was, and then in the meantime she would start me on an antibiotic. After taking the antibiotic, the burning cane I. At high levels. There were no lesions that I could see and at that time not a lot redness. I still was assuming/ hoping it was a uti or something else. Anyway, my tribe culture was totally negative. I had taken an at home test for bacterial vaginosis, which I’ve also had plenty of times, abs that was negative. So the. I thought maybe it’s a yeast infection so the doctor write me a script for diflycan which is a miracle pill for test infections. They didn’t help and I only felt worse and the glands in my ground wtrw swollen and I had a slight fever. It hurt so much to owe, and I spent my weekend googling. I saw some smell blistery things and I was pretty sure it was h. I had an appointment with my gyno but I had to wait until Monday and I was so scared and uncortisnke and wanting an answer that I went to a walk in urgent care This Saturday. The doctor there said though my “lesions” did not look like h that they very well could be. She didn’t want to do a culture but gave me a script for blood work. She also gave me scripts for Valdez and an antibiotic which was didn’t have the cash to fill the.  I se died to wait to go see my own doctor and I was pretty sure she was going to key the bad news on me when she looked at my vag. By the time she cane into the room, I was sobbing.  I told her the story if my recent encounter with a cold sore and she examined me and said she was pretty certain it’s hsv1 on my vag. She cultures the blisters so I’m still awaiting final results but I am quite sure it’s what she thinks it is. She hugged me and tomd me it’s an annoying but treatable though lifelong condition. She says she sees people who have it every day, from sixty year old women who just contracted it from their husbands or had it dormant down to fifteen year olds. I’m beyond ashamed and humiliated. I feel like such a lower and so ashamed. I need to be finding a job and paying bills but I’m so down in th dumps. I tell my mom everything but I’m way too ashamed to tell her this. I have been crying and Judy do down. I feel absolutely disgusting and am positive no man will ever want me. Oh I forgot to mention that my gyno habe me a script for valacyclovir twice a day for ten days. Since taking this and drinking lots of water, the burning is less.  I’m just so despondent and mad st myself more than the guy who most likely gave it to me. I Lysol’s my toilet when I knew my either was coming over because I’m mortified at the thought of transmitting it to family through toilets, towels etc. I have a five year old niece and I often help her wipe herself and have shared the toilet with her before diagnosis but post transmission so now I’m so framed out that I can contaminate my family. That would be awful. I have read several places that it’s not teamsmittable from toilets abs towels but I’m still paranoid since I have had to help my niece wipe after she does number two. I’m an avid grand wager but it’s pisdible that I wiped her after going to the bathroom myself and didn’t wash my hands first because st the time I did not think I had h. I’m just so sad abs feel so disgusting. Please help. Thank you. 

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