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Everything posted by JustAGrl

  1. I know they are 'pus oozing sores' but is it normal for it to be yellow and apparent every few hours. I'm on my second epsom salt bath of the day and it's only been 3 hours. I just feel gross leaving it and when I really notice the pus, I really notice the pain. Any advice or answers will help, thank you.
  2. I've called them to ask if I could get something to help with the pain and all I got was, "The meds should kick in soon". I just bought tea tree oil. Would you recommend that to ease the pain? I appreciate you both for answering
  3. I just found this page whilst looking for things to help me at the moment. I just found out I have herpes 2 days ago when I started having flu-like symptoms and then the sores came. I heard the first OB is the worst and it has been the most excruciating thing I've ever had to experience. I can barely walk and can hardly sleep and trying to pee, every second is agony. I've been on Acyclovir for almost 48 hours and I'm just praying it'll kick in soon enough. Google and other pages have recommended baking soda (that was really painful), epsom salt baths (painful as well- couldn't even stay in the tub), and my sister recommended Calomine lotion (ouch). I was told by the doctor to put Vaseline on the sores to serve as a barrier when I pee and I've done that with no success... As I type, I've been sitting on the toilet for about 30 mins and my legs are starting to fall asleep. Idk how much longer I can take this.... Any other recommendations? Please
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