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Posts posted by BellaVita08

  1. When it rains it pours for me. I’ve known i have hsv2 for 7yrs. I’ve had protected an unprotected sex without infecting anyone (that I know of). I have only had about 3 outbreaks in 7 yrs and now take daily suppressive meds just as an added measure. Get this, I was recently diagnosed with uterine fibroids and also got a regular Pap smear only to be told I have hpv as well!!! I was told the strain I have is low risk and not known to cause cancer, but I have to go in next week for a colposcopy to check for possible cervical changes. SHEESH!!! As you can imagine I’m really down! I’m 34, I’ve been with the same guy for years and have never been promiscuous! Even abstinent for 2yrs within this 7. My guy and I would love to have children in the next couple years but I feel so dirty! I feel doomed. Can I have healthy children? Can I have kids at all?!! Will these things kill me?! How can all this happen to one careful person?!! I feel incredibly undesirable! Any knowledge, advice or encouragement would be amazing. Much needed! Thanks for 

  2. Thanks so much. I really feel terrible knowing how sick he is and how safe I thought I was being. It’s made me lose sleep and everything. He’s a very healthy guy and said he hadn’t been sick in over a year. He also hasn’t mentioned any kind of outbreak or sore on his genitals. Maybe he’s just legitimately sick. Based on the timing though, and the fact that we used non latex condoms (he’s allergic to latex), I really believe I have him herpes. I don’t even know what to say to him. 

  3. I had sex for the first time with a partner about ten days ago. Twice. Both times protected. No outbreak symptoms on my end. It was 8 days before my period. I do take meds but hadn’t before sex with him, as I needed to re up on my prescription. Just a few days ago he told me he’s come down with a nasty sinus infection that was killing him. It got worse over the weekend and went to a doctor two days ago, who told him he had a virus, gave him meds and told him to take those and let it run it’s course. He’s still very fluish. I can’t help but pay attention to the timeline of things and think that I’ve given him herpes. I feel HORRIBLE! How likely is it that Ive passed this to him so soon?! Any suggestions or advice? 

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