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Posts posted by CMB11

  1. I know how you feel, like things won’t be the same and like herpes has affected your entire life. But honestly things do get better. It might seem like a huge thing right now but one day in the future it’ll be a small thing in the back of your mind that only inconveniences you when it pops back up occasionally. Stay strong and keep reaching out if you need support. X

  2. 11 hours ago, AW123 said:


    I’m in the UK, I’ve been on suppressive therapy for about 18 months through a GUM clinic (sexual health). I was having outbreaks every couple weeks, my GP was useless and at first the clinic would only give me enough tablets to deal with an outbreak. Sadly you have to be persistent and pushy to get the suppressive treatment. Go to the clinic when you are having an outbreak so it’s on their system, GP and clinics don’t always share your data. You need to build up a record on the clinic system of outbreaks to show suppressive treatment is necessary. They will not give you more than 3 months treatment at a time. I normally make my next appt while I’m there, this is important as you need your appt to be with a doctor as they have the authority to sign off your tablets not nurses etc. Doctors are in short supply in clinics so they tend to only do set days. I attend a clinic 25 miles away from my house as it’s a better service than the one only 5 miles away.....so maybe try a different one if nearest isn’t helpful. Last pointer and it will probably sound odd but I saw a therapist for about a year (needed help to deal with herpes, shame I felt, disclosing etc) at one appt I mentioned that my counsellor thought it was important I continued my suppression tablets whilst I was working my way through mental health issues and the doctor quickly changed his tune and gave me the tablets. It seemed that the mention of a mental health impact from herpes made him keen to help. 
    Good luck it’s not easy getting what should be basic medical help but bit of persistence goes a long way and at least it’s free 🤷‍♀️ 

    Thank you so much, sounds like you’ve dealt with the same things I’m trying to deal with. It’s so frustrating! My GP has told me “I’ll give you aciclovir this time” (as I’m having an OB right now) but won’t in the future unless I see a specialist in the clinic!? Which is totally unfair as I NEED some form of medication?! And what with COVID-19 all appointments are suspended at the clinic anyway.


    but this gives me hope to keep persisting so thankyou for sharing!!! X

  3. Hi everyone!

    I’ve been diagnosed with HSV2 “downstairs” for about 2 years. OBs are sadly still fairly frequent and I really want to try suppressive therapy, to help prevent OBs as often.

    However, in the U.K. my GP won’t help me, and all they’ll say is go and see a sexual health doctor under a different service. I tried to get an appointment, but the doctor I saw told me she couldn’t do anything as I needed a specialist, but trying to get an appointment with a “specialist” to prescribe these is almost impossible.

    has anyone in the U.K. had any luck getting a hold of this stuff? I really think it will help me but feel stuck. What else can I possibly do??? 

    TIA xx

  4. Don’t feel like “if it wasn’t for me, he would never have herpes and he could be with lots of other partners herpes-free and never have to worry about this”. Herpes is VERY common. Sure, it’s not 100% likely for him to get herpes from someone else (if he hadn’t slept with you), but it would’ve been certainly possible! You haven’t ruined his life. It’s just an unfortunate thing that LOADS of people go through. Don’t beat yourself up about it, it’s not your fault, you didn’t ask for any of this either. 

  5. Hi. I’m a 20 year old female going through my 3rd OB. Also think I have genital warts too.

    Are genital warts as common as the internet says? I feel so so so disgusting and ashamed in myself, I can barely look in the mirror. I know self pity doesn’t help but I feel so awful. It’s my 21st birthday in 2 days and I just want to celebrate like a normal person!!!! 

    Do other people have HSV2 and genital warts too? Please tell me I’m not alone.

    Also, should I go to the clinic to have a doctor look at these warts? Whilst I’m having an OB? Or should I wait until it starts clearing up to deal with one thing at a time? 

    Advice please, I just feel so lost with no one to talk to.


  6. The glands in my groin are still swollen and I still have cold/flu symptoms, that’s why I assumed it was herpes related. But it’s odd how the lump on my lady bits doesn’t hurt at all. It just feels hard. I guess I better get myself to the doctor! 

    Is this not a normal symptom of herpes then? Because I haven’t had sex in ages so I don’t understand how it could be genital warts?

  7. I’ve just had my second outbreak and have slowly been recovering from it. The main blisters have gone, and so has the itching and soreness.

    but I’ve noticed a strange lumpy sort of thing on my ‘lady’ lips. It kinda looks like it could be a blister, but it doesn’t hurt at all, no itching or anything.

    is this my body still getting over the OB? Is it safe to assume this weird growth thing will disappear in a few days?

    opinions please! Thank you X

  8. Just wondering if anyone on here has ever had to disclose to their school/college/uni.

    I’m having my second outbreak and I’ve been completely bed-bound all weekend. I’m in excruciating pain, and literally can’t sit at my desk to do my dissertation research, although I have meetings with my tutor soon. I know I’m going to fall behind if I can’t keep up with work over the coming week, and so I’ve considered meeting with the welfare staff in my department to explain my situation.

    I know they’ll keep it confidential, but I still don’t know if this is the right thing to do. Will they have heard similar stories before, or will they think I’m just making excuses for being behind on work? I don’t know what to do. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

  9. 8 hours ago, Ensolarada22 said:

    I found a great CBD salve that also contains eucalyptus, both are believed to help with pain and inflammation. I think CBD products are available pretty much everywhere as long as all the THC is removed in states where that is required. 

    What’s the product called? I’m in the UK. 🙂 

  10. Hi everyone...

    my second ever OB has decided to rear it’s ugly head. I’m going to get some antiviral tablets from the doctor but is there any ointments or creams you can recommend to put on the blisters (genital) as they are SO sore and it hurts to walk!!!! 

    Any help is greatly appreciated! 🙂 

  11. 13 hours ago, Gypsy22 said:

    That's exactly how I feel. On top of the daily suppressant and the condom I take lysine and echinacea to also help prevent an outbreak.  People with hsv1 dont disclose and we shouldnt have to either.

    Are these orescripted drugs? I have no idea what I antiviral drugs I should be taking to prevent outbreaks and prevent transmitting it to partners? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Xx

  12. Hi. I’m not too sure about which is worse or more frequent than the other, as I only have HSV2. But don’t be scared of judgment: you don’t HAVE to tell anyone at all. It’s good that you’ve told your boyfriend and he’s supportive, but why do your friends need to know? Unless you tell them everything and want their support too, you can find heaps of support on forums like this, where everyone understands how you feel. I’m sure your parents & boyfriend have your back too. You’re still the same person you was before your diagnosis, having this virus changes nothing. Most adults already have the virus in one way or another, just not everyone shows symptoms. 

    Be strong and do whatever is best for you. Drop me a message if you’d like to talk ❤️

  13. 7 hours ago, Gypsy22 said:

    After hearing about a few people on my campus that have hsv2 but dont disclosure or even use protection I've decided I'm going to protect myself and my reputation.  I'm in no rush to jump in bed with someone but if I decide to I'm not going to disclosure.  I'm only the dail suppressant and will always use a condom.  If the relationship ever gets to the point where we want to stop using a condom I will have the talk with him.  I've ways put others first but in this situation I need to protect myself.  Its only a skin condition and it's totally manageable.  If someone were to contract it from me they can grow up and learn to control it the way I have.  I dont take this situation lightly, I never want to hurt someone else but I'm going to put my feelings and reputation first.

    I’m so glad you’ve said this. I’ve just been diagnosed and thought I’d never ever have sex again because I can’t bear the thought of rejection and someone possibly telling other people about it. But it’s my body and it’s just a skin condition! As long as we’re careful and taking preventative measures, why should anything change? 

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  14. I’ve just found out too. I’m devastated. I feel scared, alone and confused. I guess we’ll all get through it together. We can’t let a medical condition define us. Please please message me if you would like someone to talk to - I’m in exactly the same position! X

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