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Posts posted by Tanari

  1. The fact that he was never going to disclose his Hsv1 status shows clearly what type of person he was given that he was well aware of it, he doesn't care whether he passes it on to the other person, for him to not be able to deal with hsv2 shows he is yet to come to terms with his Hsv1 status, he is either a hypocrite or a very ignorant person and you should be glad you dodged a bullet 

  2. When it comes to disclosing what works for me is having it before intimacy but it greatly depends on how I feel about the other person and the possibility of maybe having a relationship, a sexual one for that matter, if you have no intentions of engaging in any sexual activity with that person then you don't have to disclose but if you do intend to engage in any sexual activities with them then by all means you should start disclosing, at first it maybe tough but the more you disclose the more confident you will get when talking about herpes with a potential partners , best of luck 


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  3. Am really sorry about what you are going through the initial first stages of herpes are normally very painful but it gets better with time,

    About disclosing like you have mentioned you are only responsible for informing your future partners, unless you and your friend who happened to be your ex have plans of getting back together I wouldn't let it bother me if I were you, I understand you need a friend to talk to but if you find it so hard to do it now that it actually makes you cry then it's OK to put it on hold considering that the 2 of you are just platonic friends for now, as time passes by and you accept your herpes status you will realise that its only a nuisance and it doesn't hinder you from having great relationships it might slow you a little bit but the pros is that you get to weed out the wrong people in your life and only end up with those who see you as worthy of dating and appreciate you beyond herpes 

    The more you disclose the more you will get confident to talk about herpes even to your friends and with time it won't be that burdensome don't get stressed over disclosing it can always wait as long as you are not getting physical or intimate, don't let rejection get into you as well. Rejection is apart of living with herpes, something you will have to embrace

    Rem to take care of yourself by reducing your stress levels, herpes thrives when your immune system is down with stress 

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