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Posts posted by Alisonbr

  1. 4. So many people get it because infected people either never have outbreaks or so mild they think it’s something else . It’s not general practice to test for herpes when they do std testing because according to studies people don’t change their sexual habits and are depressed by the diagnosis but I think most ppl would practice safer sex personally.

  2. The person that gave me hsv2 & I were dating for two months prior to our first time which was anal because I was on my period and then two or three days later I know something was wrong and went to doc who did pcr scrap test . Anyways we never had vaginal sex and while I was trying to forgive him and move on I couldn’t so I ended it. Anyways of course I’ll use protection, I always have but does that mean I only have herpes anally ? I’m goons ask my doc soon . So far only met with the urgent care doc who took the sample and called me to tell me I had hsv2.  

  3. I was infected with hsv2 anally 8 weeks ago but I’ve been breaking out with acne on my chin since . Like super bad.my roommate keeps saying I got herpes on my face but I think it really is acne it pops just like zits I’ve had in the past . And it’s not around my mouth . It literally on the lower part of my chin. Is it Herpes? Or acne and why has it been so severe . I’ve gotten the occasionally zit before but not this many and once I pop one and it goes away a new one will come by the next day.

  4. So everything I read says skin to skin and I just want to make sure cause I baby sat my niece and I literally just put a roll of tp in bathroom like a few hours before she came . Anyways ig my roommate either had   Diarrhea  Or is an ass and is hoarding my tp . Anyways I saw that she took a wash cloth out of the tub and wiped poop . It was a used wash cloth and was in there cause of that and my roommate doesn’t use used wash cloths . Anyways I think I used it like 18 hours before she did and rinsed it but it doesn’t stay in rags right ? God I’m scared I have my niece herpes . 


  5. So everything I read says skin to skin and I just want to make sure cause I baby sat my niece and I literally just put a roll of tp in bathroom like a few hours before she came . Anyways ig my roommate either had   Diarrhea  Or is an ass and is hoarding my tp . Anyways I saw that she took a wash cloth out of the tub and wiped poop . It was a used wash cloth and was in there cause of that and my roommate doesn’t use used wash cloths . Anyways I think I used it like 18 hours before she did and rinsed it but it doesn’t stay in rags right ? God I’m scared I have my niece herpes . 

  6. I have a low immune system and my bf didn’t know he had it so after we became intimate I got it and even though he has never felt symptoms or outbreaks I know just two days after that something was wrong and in my first month of having it I had two severe outbreaks. I say tell him let him do research and let him make the decision whether to risk it to be without.

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  7. So I waited for love to have sex , used protection,saw test results and waited . Only had two serious relationships. Only been with two previous guy and prior to my first love, it was so awkward telling men how I’m waiting and now I got to tell new potiental loves that my ex gave me hsv2 , or I should mint say ex were on a break now cause I’m confused. If anyone says hsv2 only happens to slurs tell them to go fuck themselves I have friends who hate condoms and out I. Triple digits for number of partners and don’t have it .

  8. So I got a positive swab oct .14 and beg blood test . The exposure would have been from my new bf . Our first and only time sept.29 because I felt like something was wrong two days later .at first I thought it was from rough a anal . Anyways how long should I wait to get my blood tested again just to be sure .you know as a herpes newbie in still praying it was a false positive . It actually did t say positive it said Abnormal.

  9. That good . I have no igg only igm so I think that proves my bf gave it to me plus he’s never had symptoms tell this day still ...lucky for him not me . I felt the diffesnce in my body two days after our first time . Hey is it weird that he still has t we t I. To get herpes test . I been asking him to get it for two months now just to make sure I didn’t get a false positive and got done else . Cause at first I thought I shaved hemroids by accident 

  10. I was infected this year on sept . 29th and I’ve had two bad outbreaks and I think I may be starting on my third unless it’s an ingrown hair . This time it’s the size of a golf ball . I haven’t had that happen on the. Other two . Both times I was on suppressive and steroids and it still took two weeks for it to stop . 

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