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Everything posted by BasBean

  1. Hey, so I have herpetic whitlow that produced lesions on 4 fingers of my dominant hand during the first outbreak a few months ago. My questions are, can I masturbate with this hand or have sex with it during times when I'm not having a breakout? What about licking my fingers or rubbing my eyes? I gave it to myself by touching and picking at a cold sore that I had on my nose. It was tested and confirmed by a doctor. I definitely have the antibodies as I've had facial outbreaks for over a decade. I've been super stressed for a while so maybe that makes me more vulnerable, as I've had frequent facial outbreaks lately. Also, tell casual sexual partners, even if I don't intend to use the hand during sex? Would be great to hear from people who actually have actually been living with herpetic whitlow. Oh, Life.
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