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Posts posted by gorgeoustechie

  1. 20 hours ago, LJ1209 said:

    Since we are talking strictly girl stuff - does anyone else get almost UTI symptoms before an OB?

    When I was first diagnosed in June, I had UTI symptoms - treated and then a week later I got a positive test for HSV2 because my symptoms weren't going away. I honestly thought it was just how some stuff was playing out. However, I recently had UTI symptoms - couldn't get into the doctor's office right away and was self managing until I could - the symptoms went away but an OB occurred.

    I am starting to think UTI symptoms are a prodrome - anyone else have this? Since I reduced my daily Valtrex to 500mg/day I have noticed issues with discharge and/or yeast infection/BV.

    It really does sound like you need to go and see someone for a full evaluation. This thing shouldn't feel like a UTI at all unless your UTIs are a cakewalk. When I have a UTI, it hurts to sit down, hurts to touch my tummy (because of that burning pain in your abdomen) and it stings and burns to pee. Everyone is different but if you're getting that AND you feel a yeast / bv type of thing going on it's very possible that you have other issues going on that are making your HSV symptoms constant. 

  2. Most definitely. There are natural ways to balance your hormones like exercising regularly, drinking green tea and managing stress. I started doing qigong for this very reason and it's been god sent. It makes me feel so good. 

    I had the most craziest symptoms from this virus - my face even started to swell because my viral load was so high. Back to back outbreaks after my period. The best advice I can give is -- adopt a clean diet (anti-inflammatory), take a probiotic, oregano oil, neem leaf powder AND anti-virals if you can. I was taking lysine but i dropped it because it started making me constipated. You want to get those viral loads as low as possible.

    This is what has been working for me. I was in serious trouble and thought i had something more but my body was so toxic and the virus made it worse. The best thing I did for myself was to adopt a high raw/plant-based diet with fish on occasion. 

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  3. 19 hours ago, Faith8 said:

    @gorgeoustechiewhere did you get this info from? And did you personally experience nerve pain and found relief through this? Thanks!

    Yep I experienced debilitating nerve pain - burning pain, couldn't sit down pain, shooting pain, skin rashes..etc.. 

    The only thing that has worked is an anti-inflammatory diet. I eat fish, fruits, veggies, herbs - no red meat, no bread, no gluten, diary, soy, wheat, corn..etc. 

    And I also get acupuncture once a week, have a functional medicine doctor and have done tons of research on this thing. 

    The fact of the matter is your immune system is compromised. People with healthy immune systems don't catch herpes. At the time you caught this virus, your immunity was already compromised. Herpes only exacerbated an already toxic environment which is why some people have crazy symptoms and others don't. 

    If you can't afford a doctor check out montreal health girl on youtube and amy myers md

    Focus on boosting your immune system. Look up lymphatic cleanse. That's what I'd focus on if I were you. Any functional medicine doctor will tell you the same thing. You want to get the inflammation down as fast as you can. 

    • Like 1
  4. 12 hours ago, TequilaGirl said:

    Since my diagnosis (8 monthis ago) i have been experiencing a considerably increase of discharge and still don't know why. I have asked my gyno and she says it's a bacterial infection so she gave me meds and it worked for like a week and the the discharge came back. I have been researching and some people says it's bc of H and others say that maybe is hpv. I KNOW. WTF?!... Since i read that i've been panicking and thinking that's the reason eventho i don't present any kind os symptoms besides that one, but honestly idk. I would recommend you to get a pap smear, in there yo can discart that one and if you have a infection there should pop up 🙂

    Did she test for this bacterial infection or did she just throw an antibiotic at it?

    • Like 1
  5. I just sent this to someone... 

    Herpes itself does NOT cause nerve pain. 

    Nerve pain is how your body is choosing to respond to the herpes virus in your system. 

    It is a sign your body is inflamed... just like swelling, pain...etc It is an immune response. 

    An anti-inflammatory diet and supplementing with l-lysine and lauricidin is the only way to remedy this. 

  6. What are you eating? What is the current state of your immune system? 

    If you are generally healthy, you can get away with taking lysine and lauricidin

    If you need hormonal support, consider taking Ashwagandha. Take it at night because it has a very calming effect. 

    IF you have a weak immune system, the chances are you suffer from leaky gut syndrome. Remember your gut makes up 80% of your immune system so switching to an anti-inflammatory diet and taking the necessary stems to heal your gut would help you tremendously. You just have to decide which route you want to take. 



  7. 17 hours ago, Newhm said:

    I actually have been interested in juicing! I have been going back and forth on that a an alkaline diet- basically greans, some fruits and some nuts. No meat, sugar, processed foods or dairy. It reminds me of vegan. I have read and watch so many videos on all the benefits it has for your body! What type of juicer do you have?

    I don't have a juicer! I do have a nutribulletRX though. it's more like a high powered blender. 

    I pour the smoothie into a strainer to make my juice LOL. 

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Devastated2018 said:

    The doctor put me on a ton of supplements. They made me so tired that I had to sleep every 3 hours. He told me reduce them but continue. There was no improvement after a couple months and I stopped them  

    He also suggested a hydrogen perodixe IV. It’s expensive so I hadn’t tried it yet, but I’m going tomorrow to try it for the first time. 

    I already don’t eat gluten or dairy. I’ve now gone organic per the doctors suggestion. I haven’t cut out sugar yet. He didn’t suggest that, but I’ve read it elsewhere. 

    If the Lyme diagnosis is accurate I think that’s what is causing my immune system to be unable to fight the outbreaks. 

    He also ran extensive blood panels and found I had really low levels of vitamin d and b so I began taking supplements. That helps with the fatigue but not the outbreaks. 

    But lyme can be cured with antibiotics. Why would you still have it?

  9. After watching fat, sick and nearly dead on amazon prime, i got the bright idea to juice fast. 

    Not because I wanted to lose weight though. After the documentary, I did tons of research on fasting and the benefits. 

    I realized I could alter how this herpes situation expresses itself. In other words, reduce the crazy ass symptoms I get with my outbreak
    (food sensitivities, chronic sinusitis, neurological pain, pins and needles sensation on my skin random itching..etc)

    My doctor told me my symptoms were because my immune system is playing catch up and needs a break to heal. She didn't recommend the juice fast. I took it upon myself to initiate this.

    I was already on an anti-inflammatory diet so the transition for me to a juice only diet was a breeze. 

    Four days in (started my juice fast on sunday), my nerve pain has eased up A LOT. Last night was the first night I slept with NO pain at all. However, i don't know if it's from the anti-inflammatory effects of juicing veggies and very little fruit or if it's started the healing process already. With the exception of the first two days, I've also noticed an incredible energy boost. This morning I woke up with an insane amount of energy. Even if this doesn't help to ease my H symptoms, i'm sticking it out just to see what this does. 

    Again I know there isn't a cure for H. I'm simply trying to rejuvenate my immune system so my H outbreaks isn't that bad. 

    I'm also convinced i have something else going on besides H. Not an std but a minor digestive issue and hope this will restore balance. 

    A friend of mine said she was able to reduce her symptoms by following an AIP diet. Yes, juice fasting is very time consuming and a little extreme but 
    i'm actually enjoying reading up on different veggies and herbs and taking care of myself. I feel super empowered! 

    If you've done this before (a juice fast not just drinking homemade juice every now and then ), i'd love to hear about your experience. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Whymewhynow said:

    @gorgeoustechie what doctors have you seen and which do you find to be the most informed and helpful where hsv is concerned? Would you say the functional Med doc? I've been checking for the ones in my city. I just hate that they don't accept I insurance because their consultations are pretty damn expensive.

    A functional medicine doc doesn't operate like a conventional doctor. Conventional doctors/hospitals are ruled by the insurance companies - so the insurance companies pretty much dictate your health care. Conventional medicine doctors also don't test for things functional medicine doctors routinely test for like gut bacteria, infections like sibo..etc that could be making your OBs worse. Functional medicine doctors partner with you to find the root cause of disease. Your treatment is customized to your with an FMD unlike the one size fits all approach that conventional medicine doctors take. 

    If you're in nc, I would recommend dr palermo https://thrivecarolinas.com/dr-np/nancy-palermo . She knows her shit. It all comes down to taking your personal health history, performing labs to see what else could be going on that could be making your OBs so bad and then she gives you a customized treatment plan with diet and lifestyle suggestions. if any infection is found besides the H, she'll prescribe you treatment. It's pretty much a whole health approach. Please read up on functional medicine or watch the youtube videos for more information. I'm not a doctor but I did take an integrative nutrition course years ago and that's how I knew about functional medicine. And yes, it's expensive but it saves lives. 

    If you can't afford a functional medicine doctor, the best thing you could do for yourself is to either fast for a week or two at a time or adopt an anti-inflammatory diet along with intermittent fasting so you can give you body a chance to heal. There are options but you have to get in the driver's seat and do your own research to see what will work for you. 

    • Thanks 1
  11. 9 hours ago, blurneworder said:

    The functional doctors near me seem to push cupping or acupuncture. Am I missing something here?

    Never had one suggest this. Did you find them through ifm.org? If you didn't then there's probably a reason why. 

    I haven't had one suggest acupuncture or any other alternative therapies. The doc I'm seeing only suggested lab work to get to the root cause of the neurological symptoms I experiencing and even told me not to worry about the costs because her office had a deal with labcorp. Find a doctor that is interested in your health and won't waste your time. Again, I only recommend finding a doctor through ifm.org. There are all sorts of people out there calling themselves functional medicine doctors.

  12. 16 hours ago, blurneworder said:

    They do come and go,  but some symptoms have never gone away since developing.

    Eating sugar and citrus sets off some of these - possibly. I’m still not sure.

    I've read here and on another board that herpes sometimes takes a while to show up on blood work. I just don't know how common/rare that is. I know one lady here said it took 13 months for it to be seen. I say treat it like herpes and go get tested in the next two months. You may also want to visit a functional medicine doctor. Most conventional doctors are incompetant and have no clue about anything beyond treating symptoms with pharmaceuticals. A functional medicine doctor will perform labs that aren't offered in a traditional doctor's office and he/she will help you get to the bottom of it. Don't worry. Do some research. If you can afford it, I highly recommend checking out a functional doc. 

  13. Have you been diagnosed with hormonal imbalance? How do you know you have this? Yes, it can cause back to back outbreaks. What remedies are you currently using? I have an aunt in ghana that drinks black cohosh tea to remedy this and swears by it. That is if your issue is hormonal related. Also curious about your weight. Herpes can be triggered by all sorts of things.

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  14. 17 hours ago, blurneworder said:

    I’ve been tested up to 7 months after first exposure. Swabs and blood are negative. I’ve not had a Western Blot because no doctor thinks I need it

    And I take it these symptoms are reocurring - meaning they come and go like herpes? When you have symptoms how long does it take to go away and do you know what triggers it? 

    14 hours ago, Whymewhynow said:

    I'm going to have to look up functional medicine doctors in my area. I never truly realized until now how hard it is to find a doctor that specializes in STI's. I guess I never really needed to before🤦🏾‍♀️

    Well find a functional medicine doctor that's also an obgyn if you can. 

    And make sure you find them from this site https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/

    Otherwise, you may run into these chiropractors that are practicing functional medicine on the site and charging an arm and a leg for lab work. 

    • Thanks 1
  15. 6 hours ago, blurneworder said:

    Tested, yes - negative, but I continue to have symptoms aligned with herpes. No medications have helped and not one doctor has been able to explain why my body is breaking out in weird symptoms all at once. 

    Every medicine for this or that has not worked, and I’ve heard “I don’t know what’s happening” from a handful of doctors. 

    This all started after unprotected oral and vaginal sex. Girl I was with said she might have HSV, she tested negative, but days after sex I broke out in scattered, itchy red bumps on my groin. Another girl I dated caught the same thing and other odd symptoms that we both had at the same time.

    The girl who caused all this said she gets frequent yeast infections, which is a sign that someone could have herpes

    How long did you wait to be tested? Sometimes it takes a while for it to show up. Were you lesions swabbed or did you go in for a blood test?

  16. On 2/6/2019 at 8:46 PM, Devastated2018 said:

    I’m looking for some hope after a really bad first year. I found out almost a year ago I had hsv 2. I’ve had an outbreak almost twice per month for the entire year. I’ve heard the first year is the worst but for those that had a similar situation, when did you see improvement? Antivirals shorten the length of outbreaks but don’t stop the amount I get. 

    Im just about at the end of my rope. Is there any hope it’s going to get better?

    You said on another post you found a doctor that diagnosed you with lyme and ebv, what did he advise you to do? Did he recommend dietary changes to allow your immune system to heal? Back to back outbreaks are a sign of an already compromised immune system. i'd like to know more about what you've tried that isn't working.

  17. On 2/7/2019 at 12:37 AM, Devastated2018 said:

    I had near constant outbreaks for a year. After a ton of research I decided I had to have some other immune system issue. I found a doctor that ran an extensive blood panel and he found Lyme and ebv. From what I’ve read and experienced people with a compromised immune system have more frequent outbreaks. I havent found a doctor yet that knows what to do in this situation to help. 

    wow! how are your outbreaks now? Yes, a compromised immune system makes it worse. 

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