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Posts posted by Samanthanne

  1. @hippyherpy you are my male counterpart. I’m a pretty adventurous gal in my sexual endeavors. I just got diagnosed almost 2 weeks ago. I have 2 sexual partners as of right now that I’ve consistently been sleeping with and I disclosed to them and it didn’t change either of their minds about me.. so that was a plus.

    I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to have the same sexual freedom after my diagnoses but you’ve given me courage! Thanks for sharing all your sexcapades and disclosure stories with us! 

  2. I just found out I have herpes on Monday.. it’s been extremely difficult considering I have no idea where or when I got it. I’ve been dating and having sex with someone for about 2 months now and just last weekend we spent the night together for the first time and we expressed a lot of deep feelings for one another and it was amazing and then I find this out. I’m nervous that I gave it to him. I got tested at the beginning of December and all of my blood work came back negative and I told him that.. but from what I hear bloodwork can be unreliable at times with diagnosing HSV. I feel a lot of guilt because I have no idea how long I’ve had it or who else I could’ve given it to. I’m meeting up with him this week at some point but I’m so scared of this conversation. I am ridden with anxiety today and I’m in a lot of pain. Any advice on how to handle this and the anticipation? I’m not sure if I should give him a phone call or wait until I see him next to have this conversation. 

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