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Everything posted by PhoenixRising_009

  1. That's so strange! I've got a few more days of the meds to take then I guess I need to learn my triggers. I don't think I want to be taking this medication every day of my life, so I've been eating healthier to try to keep my immune system up. My friend's mother in Houston makes this natural serum that she uses and says she only has like 1-2 OBs a year so I'm going to get some of that.
  2. Same!! Every weird feeling or ache in my back and I'm like shit, an OB bout to happen. I guess on the positive side I've basically been scared into eating more healthily, drinking water, and going to bed. If this has done one thing for me, it's helped me take better care of my body.
  3. Thank you! I've been taking 1g 2x a day because I felt like another OB was coming on. That's the next phase I guess I'm in, trying to decipher what's a sign of an OB and just an itch or something
  4. @SeraLyn your responses are always so amazing to me! I didn't want to reply to every single one, but it is so helpful reading how you've dealt with this diagnosis and how it has not run your life. I'm fairly new--almost two months of being diagnosed--but it's nice to see affirmation that this does not have to be the worst thing to happen to me if I don't allow it. Everyone chiming in on this forum is so encouraging. The more I read about this virus the less shame or fear I feel because you'd be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't have any strand of this virus. I was just in a bookstore the other day and heard this woman talking on the phone about her shingles (herpesvirus) and how her daughter basically has genital herpes, then I found out mono is a strand of the virus. Basically, if you come into human contact with anyone you will be exposed to some strand of the virus. This stigma sucks a lot but I continue to remind myself that it's not going to kill me and although people don't talk about the strand we have as openly as the other strands I will be all right. I feel like I go on loooong tangents every time I check in lol, but I'm so overloaded with information now I can't help but 1. be grateful I was not diagnosed with something life-threatening and 2. accept the fact that regardless if I come into contact with someone who believes they're hsv negative (and maybe even be) not dealing with me does not stop them from being exposed to the virus. Ok, enough of the long messages lol. Thank you ladies soooo much for being on here and sharing your words.
  5. I'm in New Orleans for a few weeks, but I live all the way in Ohio. This woman Belize Spivey lives in ATL and offers support sessions.
  6. I just started taking it a few days ago, but the itching has stopped now so idk if it was just symptoms I was having or my body getting use to meds, but either way it is gone now and my body finally feels like itself again!
  7. Has anyone taken Valtrex and experienced itching as a side effect? I feel like my whole body itches now that I’ve began taking it to stop a possible outbreak.
  8. Hi Everyone! Just coming by to drop some positive vibes. I know it can be difficult, but I hope you all read this and remember how beautiful and valuable you are ❤️ we come from a history of strong women who have not allowed life to run them. So don’t let this run you, you have the power to control it. All the love and support and good vibes xxx
  9. @Whymewhynow I know the feeling! I’m starting to think I may have an outbreak by my nose? I don’t know, I’m just trying to not be afraid of my body right now lol. But since I’ve only been diagnosed for a month I’ve only taken the prescribed acyclovir once I want to really try natural remedies, but I suppose I will have to wait and see if I experience another outbreak and how often they occur Whenever I get panicky I just try to remind myself of the facts that this is an extremely common condition that is relatively benign. There are so many individuals living with incurable conditions: diabetes, chron’s, arthritis, etc. I think the only difference is herpes is taboo to talk about, which is really only because we don’t know what it is. I really, really want this to change.
  10. @Whymewhynow I know there’s a lot of talk about disclosing to other people and at the moment the only people I’ve told are my best friend and the last person I had sex with. In regards to disclosing to other people I just don’t feel ready or think I need to. One of the frustrating things about this stigma and the way a lot of the media, etc. focus on is aquiring this acceptance from others and that just doesn’t sit right with me because even if other people accept it and if someone wants to date me, if I’m not ok with it then I will still be struggling. So for now, this group and my best friend are the only people I have a desire to discuss with because it’s very new to me so I’m processing my own emotions, I don’t need to take on the responsibility of other people’s opinions. In regards to your oral outbreak, are you taking any antiviral medication? I’ve been taking a daily lysine tablet and today is the first day in this month that my body finally feels healed (I also took acyclovir for 7 days after my diagnosis). I don’t have oral outbreaks, but I’ve read topical lysine can also work for oral outbreaks. Hearing from you all is such a comfort. I really want to help break the stigma especially as it relates to bw. Thank you all for continuing to share your stories.
  11. I wish you did not have to go through what you are currently experiencing emotionally. I myself struggled in the beginning days/weeks and still struggle a bit emotionally, but I think it’s now mainly due to the fact that I am experiencing a change I wasn’t expecting. I can’t speak on your partner’s decisions, but I can say that my biggest goal at least as I go through this first year is self-acceptance. I believe that if you can get to a place of accepting yourself, of understanding that this is a relatively benign and extremely common condition that does not negatively impact your physical health, then how you discuss it with others—should you choose—will not be from a place of shame or sadness. It is going to be a journey, I’ve accepted that and I’m grateful for spaces like this that exist where we can lift each other up and share knowledge. Please know that you are a valuable human being worthy of love and kindness and respect. If the social stigma and lack of education around this condition were not what they are I truly believe we’d all be in a better place. Feel all your emotions, but know that there is no need to be ashamed or feel unworthy. I am sending you many prayers and uplifting energy. Though I’m only a month in, I know things will get better. ❤️
  12. Hello, I just wanted to add to the forum. I am a single black 26 year old female who was just diagnosed about a month ago with genital herpes. I have been doing so much research and am so glad to have found this thread with other black women. I am doing fine, for the most part, aside from slightly obsessively reading and researching but I hope to help bring support and encouraging words to this space. My biggest goal is to continue holding firmly on to the Love I have for myself and understanding that this does not make me any less of who I was/am. I look forward to staying in touch with, and hopefully working to help uplift, all in this thread. ❤️
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