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Posts posted by Ihavequestions

  1. This happened to me. I had a positive swab for hsv2 and 6 months later still have negative igg blood work. My doctors are all saying it was a false positive. But we know I make antibodies bc I've always been positive for hsv1 by blood work. I also have a rare case bc I get soars in my private region for an auto immune disorder, so soars are not alarming. My doctors are getting tired of me requesting igg blood test because they all agree that I'm negative. 

  2. I am in the United States. Ok so I talked to a virologist today. She said with 8 antibody test, 2 igm and 6 igg that it's not likely that all 8 missed the infection. She also said the valtrex would not of effected the test results if I already had a soar. She suspects that the pcr showed hsv2 and should of instead showed hsv1 instead. So she thinks I have hsv1 instead. All my doctor's, my ob, my reg doctor, my nurse at work, and a nurse practioner at planned Parenthood,is and 2 ob off of maven all think the pcr was a false positive and I'm negative for genital hsv and my soars are my normal soars from my auto immune disorder. I think they came to that conclusion bc my body makes antibodies for hsv1 so there is no reason for it to not make antibodies for hsv2. This is such a mess trying to figure out. I've talked to over 20 doctor's and 2 virologist about it.

  3. Have you ever had an igg test done before? You could of had it prior to him if not. I was tested for it with every prior STD test so that's how I knew I was negative before. In your case I would say it's pretty possible that you have it. My case is a little complicated bc I had ulcers prior to this that was caused from an auto immune disorder. So ulcers are not unusual for me. That's why it's not certain if I have it for sure or not. I talked to the University of Washington today. The lady said even though their test is more accurate than the rest... No test is ever 100 percent. I am going to get it done here soon. I just went for another igg on Monday. Waiting on those results. 

  4. CDC says everyone will have antibodies by 16 weeks, so you need to keep testing till then. Most doctor's say till at least 12 weeks.  So I recommend  to get tested till 16 weeks. But I read online it can take up to 6 months to show up. I go in next weekend to be retested and I'll be at 23 weeks. But then I was told opposite things. One doctor told me the valtrex they gave me could effect my results so I need to come off of it for 12  weeks and retest.

  5. I just found out not long ago that I probably have hsv2. I have an auto immune disorder so I am still freaking out. I have to take immune suppressants for it. How does it effect your MS? Isn't that an auto immune disorder too? I thought I read it could complicate MS also and make it worse. I could be wrong though. I've had a 6 month long anxiety attack since finding out. My doctors have actually told me I don't have it but I'm not convinced. I had a positive pcr but I've had neg blood work up to 18 weeks. 

  6. Hello. I had a positive pcr for hsv2. About 3 weeks later I started valtrex. I've tested 5 times in total by igg and am negative still. The last test was taken 18 weeks after pcr. I've been told that valtrex does not effect igg test results by numerous doctor's. They said once the body detects any trace of the virus in the system it will start making antibodies. Terri Warren seems to disagree. Has anyone else had this happen before? My doctors are saying that I don't have hsv2. I'm getting one more test done at 24 weeks to see if the results have changed. The test I took were herpeselect type specific for hsv2... Which I was told is 98 percent correct on negative results AND a test ran through my ob that works at a hospital that run their test through the Mayo clinic. Going to planned Parenthood for last test to see if I can get the bioskit or whatever the other test is. 

  7. My doctors and Terri Warren actually completely disagree. I had a positive pcr  but at 18 weeks out was still having negative blood test. I've spoke with numerous (more than 15) doctors and nurses about valtrex's effects on igg test. Terri Warren says they alter your igg and every other doctor and nurse I talked to disagree. I told my doctor about her thoughts and how she is an hsv expert. She went home and did over an hour of research on her. She said she isn't a doctor but instead a nurse practitioner and she doesn't believe she is any more of an expert than her nurse practitioner. She also said MD have alot more schooling and education about virology. I am doing another igg test at  24 weeks. I am always waiting till I'm off of valtrex for 12 weeks and getting the western blot if my 24 week test is negative. Anyone else ever had a situation like this.

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