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Posts posted by Goodmangoes

  1. I was just diagnosed in November (I’m a girl )  I went to work and I was dying for me I just kept a water bottle handy when I had to pee I’d just use the water bottle to dilute it from burning sooooo bad and I had to wear sweat pants and take my panties off at work because of the friction. But the water bottle and nope wiping just siting water helped and it was on my butt so i couldn’t go number 2 until it went away because it was so painful to try. But the first initial outbreak is the worse like they say that part is indeed true

  2. I’m 24 I’ve just been diagnosed in November after just getting a new boyfriend thankfully he’s ok with me having it & im open enough to be honest with him about outbreaks and everything else below the belt. But it seems like after being diagnosed I get a yeast infection every month and a outbreak episode every month after my period. I take Valacyclovir so now I know I need to take them when I start my period to hopefully prevent it or get a surpressive treatment but I also just started taking a birth control too. Is it normal for the yeast & outbreaks with your period in the first year at least ? 🤔🤦🏽‍♀️

  3. I got it in November and I found out after having sex with a new guy for the first time. We’d been talking for a few months before I thought he gave it to me something I wasn’t quite sure what but I knew something was wrong well needless to say it was Herpes and I just was honest that I didn’t know who gave it to me. Or had prior knowledge until I had the outbreak. And now we’re in a relationship and he’s supportive he educated himself and me on the whole thing. And he doesn’t have it just me. But I just keep him aware for when I feel like I’m having a outbreak or something I’ve had the first big one a second and now a third I just learned that I’ll probably have a reoccurrence every period I get 🤦🏽‍♀️ But just be honest that’ll get you far and if not someone better will understand. Maybe try to educate him when you tell him 

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