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Everything posted by BoRap1124

  1. Living in Korea and just found out my partner as HSV. He has never had any sores or symptoms before and he's been sexually active for about 13 years. I have HSV1 strain since I was young and only get a cold sore when I'm really sick or get too much sun. As I've aged, I get them way less frequently. We've yet to sleep together because were awaiting our STD test results so I have a few questions. I'm clean, but he was diagnosed with HSV. 1. The doctor specifically told him that it is only contagious if he has sores. Everything I've researched says it's still possible to transfer even if there are no sores. Should I believe the doctor or the Internet? 2. I have performed oral on him before our test results, does that mean I am infected now too? I read that it can be transferred this way as well. 3. Since I'm predisposed to the virus (from having HSV1) does this mean I have more chances of breaking out since I have performed oral on him? 4. If I am infected after giving him oral, does this mean I need to stop sharing drinks and chapstick etc with all future people? Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated as I do not want to contract or spread this disease! Thanks in advance.
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