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Everything posted by Mystic_

  1. I'm 18, and about a month or so ago, I found out I had herpes 1 and 2. Finding out was hard to handle, as I knew nothing about the virus. One of the first things I did, was let my boyfriend know. He's also 18, and was initially freaked out. There has been talk of us breaking up because he is concerned about his health. Obviously, I know that it isn't as drastic as he may feel it is. I was able to calm him down for a few weeks, while we waited for his test results to come back. ( Based on timing, I had originally thought that it came from him) However, just today, we found out that his results came back negative. He's still really freaked out, and is concerned that he may catch it if we stay together. We've both shared that we don't want to separate, but I'm trying to be understanding of his fears. I've tried reassuring him that living with herpes is far less life-changing than it first seems. But I'm not sure what facts I should tell him in order to put his mind at ease.
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