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Posts posted by beautifullychaotic

  1. Thank you so much. Do you have genital as well? I'm only asking because I know through reading previous posts and seeing your comments that you have children. And just wanted to know if you had them before or after getting genital herpes? I'm not thinking of having kids now, but definitely in the future, and I need a woman's perspective on going through pregnancy with herpes.

  2. So I have type 1 genital herpes, and I know that type 1 typically prefers the mouth region. My only question is will my prodrome symptoms occur near my mouth because that's the region it prefers even though I don't have oral herpes? Or will it still occur in the genital region since that's where my outbreak was? (I've only had my first outbreak so don't know my prodrome symptoms yet)


    Oh yea also on a side note, I was told I can't pass herpes or get oral herpes from sharing drinks with people (Again, I don't have oral herpes, but just for future reference in case I happen to get it). Is there any truth to this? Cuz I grew up hearing differently and I don't wanna confuse the details on something as serious as herpes.

  3. It's possible that you were in the process of healing and reopened a lesion in the skin when having sex but don't take my word for it. My bf and I have had sex 3 times after my outbreak and this bleeding keeps happening so I'm gonna lay off the sex til I know whats going on. It is very stressful definitely wish I could go back to the days where I didn't have to think about this but I'm trying to get through it always helps to talk to someone if you ever need to talk I'm here

  4. Thanks for the help guys. It's much appreciated! I'll try to get some of those things in my house. I live with just my dad now who doesn't make much money, so my dinners consist of frozen tv dinners, ramen noodles, and fast food whenever we run out of that stuff and to be quite honest I'm sick of it. We have actually cooked our own meals but lately not so much since I've been working and my dad finds no need to cook dinner anymore and I don't feel like cooking when I get home at 10 at night and have to be up in the morning at 5:30 for school, so it's either don't eat for the day and complain or eat unhealthy and still feel like crap. I do work out but eating like this really doesn't balance out. And now that I have herpes I really wanna change my diet like now.

  5. So I've been told that living a healthier lifestyle can help minimize the amount of outbreaks I get. This includes, obviously, diet. However I honestly don't even know the first thing about a healthy diet. I live in a big Italian family where eating healthy was never even thought of, so I grew up just eating whatever and not gaining much weight (19 yrs old, 4'9", 107 lbs). Living in a household where there's low income,eating healthy on a low budget isn't easy. I know I won't be able to convince my dad to eat healthy with me, but I was wondering, from those who have had herpes for quite some time, what I can eat that's healthy that isn't so expensive? What are some ways you have changed your diet that seems to have some effect on your length of outbreaks?

  6. My boyfriend brought up this point to me yesterday, so I wanted to see if there was any truth to it.


    Yesterday I was explaining to my boyfriend how I was worried that I would give him genital herpes. For those reading that don't know my story, my boyfriend has oral herpes type 1 that according to his father he's had since he was 7 and he's now 20. I contracted genital herpes type 1 from him due to oral sex. So my boyfriend said that if I were to give him genital herpes, it'd probably not be that terrible for him because yes it's in a different spot but it's also the same virus he's had in his body for years so he's built up plenty of antibodies, so he says I have nothing to worry about and if he does get it it's "no big deal". I wanted to know if this is the case?

  7. Yea I can definitely say paranoia takes over especially in the heat of the moment. I don't know if that feeling will last forever but I sure hope not. I mean, I'm ALWAYS gonna worry he's gonna get this, but I'd like to have the thought not override and ruin the mood EVERYTIME. We were getting intimate today and stopped because I started crying out of nowhere. It may be because I'm still new to all of this though like I said.

  8. I have swelling by my pubic bone kind of in the crease of my legs on both sides. They usually only hurt when I actually touch them but lately I've noticed that if I walk around a bunch they start to hurt without touching them. I'm not sure about the shaving question cuz I'm not even done with my first outbreak ( going on 2 weeks!). But I do believe you can spread it to other areas especially if you have a cut or something that the virus can sneak its way into.

  9. Yea that could be why my medication is not helping as much as I heard it should. I had symptoms of herpes for 9 days before I went to urgent care in so much pain and was told I needed to make a gyno appt because I had herpes. Once I first had pains, I contacted my gyno but they wouldn't bring me in for an appointment and just brushed off my symptoms as a yeast infection and sent me a prescription for cream. I used that cream for a few days and the pain only got worse. That's when I had my boyfriend bring me to Urgent Care and found out what it really was. So I had the outbreak for quite some time before I was actually able to take medication for it.

  10. I was told that genital HSV-1 has less % of viral shedding, can someone tell me why that's the case? Or is it just how it is, no explanation? Also, if I finish my medication and I still have my outbreak, where do I go from there? Just contact my dr and have him prescribe me more? And with lymph node swelling in the groin area, any tips to help the pain with that?

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