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Posts posted by Anonemess

  1. Yeah I need support and lots of it. Gender doesn't mayter but someone in my similar situation would help me most. 40+mom of three. Went through a divorce and a complete renewal of myself physically. Bam first relationship out the door leaves me with HSV1 g. I'm beyond fucked up over this. That relationship has ended so it's hitting me smack in the face. Don't even know how to breathe most days, wish death on myself and am so lonely and scared.


    If you are strong- help me.

  2. Without meaning to high jack this post, I get so lost at the comment made that if he can't accept this that proves he won't be able to handle hard stuff. I think that is crap. I wouldn't accept hsv risk and I'm a good person who would be there if needed. I wouldn't be unfaithful, I would care for you if someone was stricken with cancer. What connection am i missing that others seem so easy to accept? This is incurable, this is passable. Why do minimize this? These disclosure rejections paralyze me with fear.

  3. Listening to my receptionist tell a weekend story where she ran into a guy she dated with another woman and proceeded to scream at him across the busy restaurant " have fun with her, the reason I wouldn't date you is because I heard you have herpes". Any wonder I want to curl up and die?

  4. when there are so many other willing women who are likely not riddled with herpes? I can't even begin to imagine the throught process that leads someone to say OK I am willing to risk getting a incurable infection that will cause me shame and pain and I have to tell anyone in the future I want to trust and love.


    Is that information anywhere? Has anyone asked what they say to themselves?


    There is nothing special enough about me for me to ask anyone to take that risk. I am not special enough. Is anybody special enough?

  5. I have lost two babies to miscarriage, lost jobs, lost friends and family but this burns in the pit of my stomach. It's been over a year since I was cursed with ghsv1. No outbreaks other than the first and it was minor. Recently ended the relationship with my giver who when I told him said " maybe this is a sign we are meant to be together forever". Instead I vomit in my office garbage pail and wonder how I go on.

  6. Here's the thing with me. I don't jump into relationships. Never have. I expect strong character and kind people but there is a naivety that people don't talk about you when you aren't listening. Yes, I do care why people think of me. I see an arrogance that I would think its ok to ask someone to accept this virus as their concern. Their whole intimate life will become condoms, planning around OB in addition to everything else life throws at you. Maybe I should be selfless enough to stop this virus with me.


    Yes, I am feeling poor me. It's not fair. Who the eff wants to get involved with a working mom of 3 with a disease I can give to them FOREVER just by loving them .

  7. I've had my children. I don't want anymore. This is suppose to be my time. I'm in the best physical shape of my life. My giver was a blessing to me when I told him what he gave me ( he didn't know). Thought he was what I had been waiting for my whole life. But he has some personal stuff going on and I see him as a different person. So, fooled again. I'm a stupid judge of character apparently. Tell me you love me and I believe it.


    I won't disclose. Therefore, my options are null.

  8. I have made contact. It's not in my budget. I spent many years following my divorce single so I could find myself. Found me, found happiness and bam. Right out of he gate. I've done everything I am supposed to. So why am I being punished? Why am I alone now? Why am I forced to be alone now because I will never share my nasty secret. Ever. Shall I take up knitting when I want to be in love and cant?

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