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Everything posted by Panickygirl21

  1. @Worriedgal89 I’m sorry you’ve been going through that. I can understand your pain. I finally found a gynecologist that understood what I was going through and she gave me endless refills for lidocaine which I use a few times a week when the itching doesn’t subside. I’ve also been taking the valacyclvir daily and my psychiatrist prescribed me sertraline. I feel like taking those two helps a little with the daily symptoms. He said my anxiety definitely plays a part in my daily symptoms. Getting mental help and taking the meds has made a great difference. I see a therapist every week and she has really made a difference in my life. She told me last week that apple cider vinegar is supposed to be good for vaginal health? She said that she sometimes adds one cup of it to her bath. I haven’t tried it yet though. I really hope things get better for you one day and hope everyone else on this post is doing better too. Hang in there ladies.
  2. Oh it’s definitely not just in our heads. I just wonder if the stress from anxiety makes it more aggressive and that’s why we get the daily symptoms. I’ve also been taking Valtrex daily but it hasn’t helped at all with the itching. My friend who is a PA follows a doctor who recommended seaweed extract. I’ve been taking seaweed capsules for three weeks now but nothing. I’m going to try an antihistamine like someone recommended in the thread and Vitamin C! I really hope the symptoms go away on their own one day. I just want to feel normal again. I don’t even care about the sores anymore because those come and go not like the itching.
  3. Sadly, I’m so happy to hear from other people going through the same thing. I’ve been experiencing the same symptoms since my first outbreak back in June 2019. I’m sad to admit that I had even contemplated suicide because nobody understood me. My family started telling me that the itching was all in my head. I even went to the ER a few months ago because the irritation got that bad. I’m seeing another Obgyn this week in hopes that they will actually listen. I really hope that things get better after the first year like someone mentioned because I feel like I’ve lost hope. I’ve tried different ointments but nothing really works. I’m just relieved to know that I’m not alone and that I wasn’t going crazy. Hope we can all get through this soon. Did anyone else also suffer from anxiety before contracting hsv? I wonder if this is a factor in the daily symptoms.
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