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Everything posted by Grow&Glow

  1. Forget him. While it’s easier said than done, it’s probably for the best. I haven’t experienced this but when disclosing I had to accept that it might lead to rejection and be okay with it. I take it as that person isn’t right for you nor deserves you.
  2. Hey ladies I found this forum and thread during my endless search on how to go about disclosing to a partner my status. I was diagnosed about 7 years ago, late twenties, AA female living in Atlanta. Responding to some of the things I’ve seen asked or mentioned. - I don’t have frequent OB’s - I feel like I’ve had one major episode years ago but if I recall when I went to my obgyn she said it wasn’t a outbreak but couldn’t really say what it was. All I remember is it was painful and took about 2 months to really clear up. - Not currently taking any medication - I took suppressants daily when first diagnosed. My obgyn at the time didn’t hesitate on the prescription. However recent years when I’ve asked they only want to give me meds if I’m having a current OB and it would be a 7 day supply. - I get waxed on a regular basis and it doesn’t result in OB’s. I exfoliate(need to be more consistent) and use tend/skin & witch hazel to avoid ingrown hairs and irritation. - I’m a vegetarian and try to eat as clean as possible (work in progress) - I fall off from time to time but for vitamins I take multi, evening primrose, burdock root 2 weeks ago I did disclose to my partner and it was probably the most nerve wrecking thing I’ve ever had to do. I told him via text and his response was “wow”. I honestly didn’t expect to hear from him again. A few hours later he wanted to know more, had questions and I answered. He said he needed to think about it and again I wasn’t sure what to expect from him. Fast forward and we’re still communicating as we were before. While I’m not sure what will happen with us. I’m glad I told him because it lifted a huge weight and makes it easier to disclose in the future. I would be lying if I didn’t side eye his reaction and start wondering if he had his own skeletons but we can’t predict how a person will feel and respond. Maybe getting to know one another and building the interest played a role. I could go on & on about this but I’m glad I found this thread because it most definitely made me feel less alone in living with this.
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