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Posts posted by Confused12

  1. Hello,

    So for those of you who read the post I made around 2 months ago I have some updates. Back in August I saw my primary doctor after itching, labia swelling, and UTI or BV like symptoms. I had no visible clusters or ulcers, just an invisible "cut" along the edge of my labia that could only be seen by pressing near it or near the swelling area. Doctor diagnosed Hsv2 by sight, prescribed valtrex (which did not work) and refused blood test or swab.


    After that I went to planned parenthood to get the lab order filled out for the western blot. I was examined by an NP there who said it was absolutely not hsv2. She said she felt a cyst inside of the swelling and that the cut was where it was draining out of. I was prescribed amoxicillin and clindimyacin for 10 days. A few hours after taking them the drainage changed from a pus like color to blood red (I saw this as a good sign?). After 3 days the cut had completely healed (I had had this for nearly 4 months), itching went away, swelling completely gone, no redness or irritation. It was all gone until the day after my antibiotics were complete. After that the swelling came back, then the next day the drainage/cut came back as well. The strange thing is this time the cut and swelling healed on their own within 4 days. I had another planned parenthood follow up today and am being referred to a gynecologist.


    So my question to you all is, has anyone with hsv2 felt relief from antibiotics? I know hsv is viral, not bacterial but is this a weird thing that sometimes can happen? Maybe placebo effect?

    Has anyone gotten a secondary bacterial infection from their hsv? Maybe that is what the antibiotics treated? 


  2. 15 hours ago, annalove said:

    Your herpes symptoms sound almost identical to mine. The only "outbreaks" I've ever gotten are very tiny invisible to the untrained eye paper cut like sores. Almost always in the same two spots. Anyone looking would never be able to spot them. Did the doctor not take a swab of the cut and test that? Seems insane to prescribed medication off of an assumption. Blood tests are also known to be unreliable because it's based off of antibodies I believe, and everyone will have different levels at different times. If you still have a sore go back and ask for it to swabbed and tested. If not see if the sore heals, if it comes back again even in a minor way go back immediately and have it swabbed and tested. But your symptoms alone definitely don't rule out herpes as they sound identical to mine and I tested positive off the swab test for HSV2

    Hi! Thank you for your response. Yes that sounds identical to mine. No one would be able to see the sore/cut with the naked eye and there were never any scabs, bumps, or clusters.

    My doctor didn't swab it when I was there, even though she only found it when I pressed on the bottom of my labia, far away from the cut causing liquid to come out. I had asked her to swab it and she said the swab and blood tests are unreliable. 

    After taking the Valtrex she prescribed, by the 4th day I had really severe headaches (literally felt like my brain was swelling) and fatigue to the point of not being able to get off the couch, and the cut had not healed at all by that time so I stopped taking them. 

    I told her this on the phone and she said I would need to see a gynecologist because she can't help me any further. I asked her if she could fill out a Western blot test because they are the gold standard and only true way to be 100% sure of a hsv diagnosis. She said that also would not help me with no explanation. 

    So now I have ordered the Western blot and have a planned parenthood appointment next week in hope they will fill out the order paperwork. 

    The cut I have has been there now for 6 months and has only mildly healed twice. Once during a prescription of metronidazole back in June when I thought it was bv. And the second time was this week-- it healed for 3 days while I took extra strength Tylenol each night. 


    What complicates all of this further is that I had a Labiaplasty 3 months prior to these symptoms. During my healing process I had 3 of these cut like things on my labia that my surgeon said were probably due to internal stitches healing and releasing fluid, accompanied by pressure blisters from rubbing during healing. 

    So part of me wonders if this is a surgical complication, although I'm not sure what would cause itching, redness, and internal dryness along with the cut that would last 24 weeks post op. I would return to my surgeon, but after the hsv2 diagnosis I'm so embarassed I don't want to have him assess it again until I get the Western blot back and know for sure if I have it or not.

  3. Hi Joel, I was diagnosed by sight for hsv a few weeks ago. My symptoms began in April of this year, and since they appeared my partner and I have refrained from any sex. We plan on waiting to have sex until I get results from the Western blot test, but it's being held up because my doctor refuses to order one.

    The last few months of waiting and no conclusive answers have been frustrating and painful for both of us, so I understand your frustration. 

    I totally agree with you that doctors are irresponsible regarding treatment of hsv, and the more I read and interact with them its clear they don't know much about it in general--whether it's diagnosis or treatment. 

    For your relationship it seems like you may have already made your mind up deep down about your plan of action. There's nothing more I fear than giving this to my partner if it turns out I do have hsv, so I don't think you should feel bad about wanting to protect yourself. 

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  4. On 12/14/2016 at 10:31 PM, PositiveHerbivore said:

    I'm newly diagnosed and emotionally I'm mostly good.. I am still close friends with the guy who gave it to me, he didnt know he had it, we were tested his IGG was positive mine was negative, but I was having my first outbreak and swabbed positive, and He's been incredibly kind and supportive during both of my outbreaks.

    My biggest concern with all of this is eating a diet that will keep the outbreaks away and still maintaining a healthy balance. But if you're a fellow vegan you know how hard it is. I've given up a lot, but, peas, corn, rice, wheat and the list goes on. I'm eating incredibly fresh clean food and avoiding anything processed or on the 'bad' foods list. I've also lost 8 pounds since Thanksgiving. Not that I didn't need to, but I want to stay healthy about all.


    My question is this, how strict are you all with your diets? Do you notice Foods/beverages that are triggers? How do you get enough fat in your diet if your main fat source is nuts like mine was? Do I really have to give up chocolate?!?!! Any insight would be greatly appreciated. And I'd love to make some new vegan/vegetarian friends! And carnivores as well

    Hi! I'm recently diagnosed hsv2. I've been Vegan for 5 years, and was diagnosed with celiac 3 years ago so I'm also gluten free. I eat most whole food plant based, so not a lot of processed foods. I never have really gotten much of my protein from nuts (most of my protein is from tofu and dark greens) so I haven't really made any changes in my diet since diagnosed other than watching my sugar intake. Tofu is also a good source of fats along with avocados, chick peas, olives and different oils. I started taking Lysine 1000 mg 1x a day and Vitamin C 500 2x a day after diagnosed. 

    If you ever need recipes please feel free to reach out!


    • Like 2
  5. 12 hours ago, mr_hopp said:

    Hi @Confused12! The basics are still the best here. Notice when you are stressed. When your mind is racing, when you're holding tension. And consciously breathe all the way down to your belly. Slow and deep. You're literally telling your nervous system "There's not actually a life-threatening emergency here" (which is what your fight-or-flight system is thinking). Even in the midst of crazy deadlines, you can still breathe calmly. Keep your mind trained on the goal instead of spinning off into worst-case scenarios and cooked up negative fantasies. There is the stress from working hard, then there's the stress from worrying yourself crazy. The first can actually be positive (eustress) if you choose to see it as a mind workout; the second is detrimental and draining. Keep a positive outlook and see everything that comes your way as an opportunity to be strong and grow. That growth mindset will make you unstoppable. 

    Alongside this mental training, keep your body as healthy as possible. Treat this like you are doing an actual marathon. Because in some ways, you are. Eat well. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sleep well. Work out regularly. Treat your body as the fine-tuned machine that it is. 

    Thank you, that is very true!! 

  6. 11 hours ago, Jasmine10 said:

    Confused12 - NO this doctor sounds like an IDIOT. The only way to know for sure is to get the blood test.  Please get it. I got misdiagnosed by sight and spent 15 months in purgatory.  I was like what the FUCK was the point of having to go thru this hell - if it means saving just ONE more person from a lifetime of hell then I won't feel as bad for having gone thru it.  Please take the blood test and let me know the results. This does NOT sound like a herpes sore at all. The initial outbreak lasts only about 2-4 weeks. What a DUMB FUCK thing to say that the only way to know for sure is to take valtrex and if it healed you would know you have it when there is such a highly accurate blood test out there. i'm sorry i sound so mad but having been misdiagnosed myself I'm just shocked and mad at how dumb and cavalier this doctor is.  

    In fact - here's something to try.  I have an area in my labia that will have what looks like cut from time to time.  When I first got it it would NOT fucking heal even after putting neosporin, or the antibiotic cream my doc gave me.  Then i tried Medicine Mama's Vmagic and the cut went away within like 2 days maybe 3 at most.  I still put it every now and then just to keep the skin there strong as it is designed to also strengthen delicate vaginal skin. 

    Thank you so much for your response!!!! I've been feeling crazy the past 4 months not knowing what was wrong and fearing all sorts of different outcomes. I'm on day 4 of Valtrex right now and it seems the sore has semi healed but there is still itching and burning. I am definitely going to get the blood test soon, see a gyno and hopefully get a concrete answer one way or another. If you don't mind me asking would did your cut end up being? 

    • Like 1
  7. Around 4 lost 5 months ago I noticed a very tiny amount of blood (less than a papercut) on toilet paper. The bleeding continued accompanied by mild itching away from the bleeding area. 

    The symptoms felt like bacterial vaginosis (I've had that before) so I asked my doctor for a script to take care of it. While taking the antibiotics the bleeding subsided and so did the itching.


    A week or so after antibiotics the same spot started bleeding again. There is no open sore, scab, crust, and the spot is invisible to the naked eye. I can only find it by pressing near it to cause it to bleed.


    Finally I went to my doctor as the blood changed to a whitish color. During the exam she said she could not find anything, so I pressed on it and then she saw and immediately said "Oh, that's herpes." 


    I asked her if she was sure, because I've had this for 4 months and it never healed or crusted, never was a bump or blister. She said it is a flat herpe and the only way to know for sure was to take Valtrex and if it healed it I would know I had it. 


    Has anyone had a similar type of outbreak? That doesn't heal for months and is invisible to the eye? Thank you.

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