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Posts posted by Sarah-29

  1. Hello ! I’ve had herpes now for about 3 years I’m on Actclovir suppressive treatment and I don’t really have outbreaks any more ! 

    my boyfriend hasn’t caught it and We have a lot of unprotected sex ( trying for a baby) so anyway I got my positive test and can’t wait 

    I googled stuff about pregnancy and it came up that ha I got hsv2 can cause miscarriage etc and it’s frightened me! I thought it was jsut if you have a first outbreak mid pregnancy not if you’ve had it years ? 

    my question is am I at risk of passing it to my baby in the womb and having a miscarriage or ? 

    thank you in advance ! 

  2. Hello, so here goes 


    I started a new relationship about 10 months ,he’s amazing and we connect so well on a whole new level, he’s lovely as well & I’m fully trusting of him and he spends all his free time with me when he isn’t at work ( so I know he hasn’t cheated) Before him I was single for 2 years and when I say single I mean no sex nothing for 2+ years ! Which was purely down to focusing on university and going on dates with people who just never progressed to that level. 


    Before that I had a 2 year relationship and have slept with a total of 6 people ( including the new partner). My partner has been single for 6 years but before me has slept with around 33 people ... so 5 month ago he complained of a blister on his penis and got it checked and swabbed and it came back as herpes... the issue is he thinks it must be me he’s got them from but is there any actual way of knowing ?  could it the person he slept with before me that actually gave it to him and he’s only just having his first outbreak ? He’s working nights now and has been run down with that so could the lower immune system cause his first outbreak to appear ? 


    Because of Covid they aren’t letting people in the GUM clinic in the uk where I’m from now unless there’s something actually there to swab which I didn’t  have so was confused and It was playing on my mind 😅 then A few months ago I noticed a little sore down there , got it swabbed and it was herpes ... so now we both have it but I just don’t want the blame for something if there’s a chance it’s not even from me, don’t get me wrong he isn’t being horrible with it but it’s making me feel really down ...like a double whammy that I wasn’t expecting, first being blamed and then finding out I actually have it ☹️


    Has anyone else been in a relationship and found out they have herpes or their partner does? Any advice will help 😊 I know this sounds really in trusting but is there a way I can contact the clinic and ask how long he’s known about it for ? Or don’t they release information like that ?


    Thanks for reading ! 

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