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Posts posted by Neverwouldathought

  1. Same thing happened to me. Was with a girl for about a year, no problems. about 10 months in boom. She told me she has never had a symptom and had no idea but that her ex would get “heat rashes“ once in a while and he was a complete scumbag. I get how emotional and erratic you are. Paranoid. Ultimately I chose to believe that she did not know.

    and yes, a positive swab and negative blood test is a strong indicator that you do not have the antibodies built up in your blood yet. That means you’ve most likely just contracted it. Go back in three months and you will probably test positive in your blood.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Hi Grace, a little update regarding the girl I met.

    First date was amazing. She was glowing the whole time, gave me a few hugs, a kiss on the cheek and we were holding hands. I was totally sure we connected and got super excited. Second date she seemed cold and distant. Third date She invited me to her place for the afternoon and she seemed uninterested and distant. It was awkward.

    but she keeps initiating conversation every day!!! Makes no sense. Today I basically just asked her what the deal is. She said Essentially she doesn’t feel like there’s any chemistry, we don’t have enough in common and shot me down. Soooo weird!!!

    We got past the H thing, was super attracted to her, thought she was really into me too… so now you and I are both sad!

    hope you are pulling through OK! 😭😭😭

    just wanted to let you know you’re not the only one!

    • Like 1
  3. Grace, we’ve spoken here a few times. I’m really sorry that this happened to you. The guy was clearly a chump either way. There’s a lot of guys out there just looking to get girls in bed and that’s it. It’s messed up but that’s the way it is. You absolutely will find someone that will brush that type of information right off.

    I have been completely petrified of my first disclosure to a female. Like you, I met someone about three weeks ago. We text every day and have done a few video chats. Over the weekend I dropped the bomb. She didn’t seem to think it was a big deal. She stated that she had a boyfriend with it in the past and that she gets cold sores once in a while on her mouth. She said she just doesn’t mess around when she has a cold sore. That was it. Now we have plans for me to take her on a date this weekend! Could not believe it.

    I don’t know if it will work out with her or not, but she just brushed it right off her shoulder. Trust me when I say that it was the most terrifying concept for me to say those words.

    I think it’s a matter of flipping a coin. It’s a huge risk to our confidence. Keep your chin up. That guy was a loser and I’m sorry he fooled you into thinking otherwise.

    If he was half a decent human being, or cared at all,  he would’ve at least discussed the matter with you.

    • Like 1
  4. I was diagnosed with HSV2 back in the spring of 21. It’s been a rough road to say the least. This should’ve never happened to me. I have always been safe. I have never screwed around or slept around in my life. I guess overall I am doing OK but I still feel as though getting into a new relationship and starting the life that I want is pretty much impossible. When the miracle happens, and I find somebody that I do click with, when I disclose, let’s be real. It’s game over. 

    I know that prior to this year I would’ve walked away from anyone who told me they had an STD.

    With all that being said, I know there was a lot floating around out on the Internet regarding cures and preventative vaccines. I was wondering if anyone here has any concrete information about the progress. I haven’t done a ton of research and once again this is all very new to me.

    most of my brain power currently goes to processing and accepting the idea of being alone for a very long time.

    Give me a damn shot so I can get rid of this curse! I truly don’t deserve this.

  5. You are so ridiculously far from being a bad person. Facts are facts and you will do the right thing. If he is really such a nice guy he will see you for the person you are. You are awesome. Otherwise, as you would tell others, the disclosure will be your filter. It sucks that you have to feel anxious about it. Spend some time thinking about a very casual disclosure and then feel no guilt. We all know you are going to do the right thing. Truly hope it works out but if it doesn’t you will find that it happened for a reason. Not telling you anything you don’t already know though. Truly wish you the best of luck. You, unlike many, deserve good things. I would not just say that to any random person. 

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Bootsychootsy said:

    Either you are more moral than me, or we have a very different view on sex. Either way, you're incredibly judgemental.

    No. You are just wrong. It’s absolutely twisted to not disclose. Actually, it’s illegal. 

    you and I both have an std that will be with us for the rest of our lives. No matter how many precautions you take, there is still a chance you could pass it to an innocent person that deserves the choice in the matter, even if it means hurting your ego temporarily. 

    at what cost? So you can have an orgasm? 

    it’s not right no matter what you tell yourself to convince yourself that it is. 

    I’ll take being called judgmental vs what you are. 

  7. 5 hours ago, Bootsychootsy said:

    Neverwouldathought: If they have undetectable HIV the odds of me getting it are about 0%; however, you are stigmatizing another STD which doesn't help anyone with STDs. You are comparing a virus that can kill you to a virus that causes a temporary skin condition that the majority of the world has.

    The right thing to disclose period. 

    Morals > getting laid

    • Like 1
  8. On 8/28/2021 at 7:41 PM, Flowerteacher55 said:

    Hi again! 

    Oh my gosh, no. Some women love shy men, because they are often more respectful than some sassy smooth talkers. Shyness is okay!! Embrace it! 🌄

    Stay strong. The dating game is hard for everyone. Have self-respect and a kind confidence and all else will fall into place. 


    Yeah but we’re invisible ☹️

    • Like 1
  9. Thank you all. For me, it wouldn’t be the ONLY means of finding someone. Just one of the few options I have. 

    I am HORRIBLE with introducing myself and flirting with girls in person. Way too shy and the opportunities almost never present themselves. So that route seems almost impossible, but if it happens it happens. 

    on a few regular dating sites now but those are a crap shoot as well. 

    I just figured it would be ideal to meet someone with HSV right out of the gate but am extremely skeptical about putting information online like that.

    • Like 1
  10. I brought this up in another thread but the discussion didn’t get too far… 

    I think it would be amazing to find “the one” and have them be in the same boat as me. 

    im extremely paranoid about posting pictures or personal info on any given std site/app which makes it even more difficult. 

    anyway, does anyone have any recommendations or can share experiences about std dating sites? 

    I know it’s a long shot but I like to explore all options. Not an easy position to be in 😢

    • Like 1
  11. Hey man, sorry about what you’re going through. When it rains it pours. At least you have a little hope that it could be a result of the medication. I know it’s not much but at least you have that.

    There’s nothing fun or good about this. But where there’s a will there’s a way and if you want happiness, man up, be strong and make it happen.

    • Like 2
  12. 12 hours ago, Destroyerr said:

    I am right there with you. 
     I am mentally and physically defeated.

    After visiting my bf in a state across the country from me, I had a really bad UTI. Then my period came, and on 8/4 I tested positive for covid. Same day I noticed tiny blisters on my left labia. I had hoped it was contact dermatitis. I had std labs redone. Yesterday HSV2 was confirmed. 

    I feel so sad.


    Just so you know, there is a very high chance that it was not a UTI and was an internal HSV outbreak… look into it. 

    • Like 1
  13. So horrible that scumbag on tinder did that to you. Disgusting human being. It does sound very severe and you should put your foot down with the doctors. You pay them. If there’s any good news, for me anyway the first outbreak was by far the worst. Have had 2 since the first (early spring) and they were like 10% compared to the first. 

    it sounds like you never tested positive. I’m very surprised the swab test did not show positive. Go back in about three months for blood work. Antibodies should be detected by that point.

    Once again, the doctors work for you. Do not let them pretend like they are gods. 

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