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  1. Hey. I use finest nutrition brand lysine in 500 mg. The wisp site was the first place I went to buy acyclovir after my first prescription post diagnosis. I also visited a doctor who did prescribe me valtrex 1000 mg and honestly there was no difference in the beginning. The acyclovir cream may be a little expensive but a little goes a long way. I actually prefer the cream for my outbreaks sometimes as the acyclovir pills makes me a little drowsy sometimes. It all depends on how I feel per episode. It’s been almost a year since my first outbreak and my outbreaks continue to get milder and shorter thank God. Another really good product I like is femiclear. It can be found online. It has antiviral properties to help clear outbreaks faster. And don’t forget about the aromatherapy bath salts and rose petal baths. They helped me tremendously. God bless and good luck.
  2. Hello everyone. I am GHSV2. I was diagnosed April 2021. It has been a rough emotional and physical journey but I am here to report progress. As a woman I know this situation is difficult but to everyone dealing with this situation you will overcome it and it will get better with time. Learning my body now post diagnoses I can feel when a flare up is happening. As my body is fighting back the HSV (which has gotten quite better since last year) I’ll get tender in my V spot or will have bad nerve pain in my foot or leg. When this happens, I don’t wear underwear to minimize friction. I know then to take the acyclovir to shorten or stop the flare ups altogether. I also use a acyclovir cream. Both meds can be found on a website called Wisp which is a discreet online health clinic. Affordable also to those without health insurance. I’ll take hot baths with Botanicals & Wellness Aromatherapy Bath Salts (the 3 pack). The sea salt and roses combo soothes my skin and calms down the many painful parts of my condition. Adding some rose petals to the bath helps more as it has antioxidants and minerals for silky smooth and healthy skin. During sex, I use a water based lube to minimize friction. I noticed that I would tear a little more easily since diagnosed and wanted to take preventive measures. No sex during outbreaks ever. Vitamins I take are (Lysine, Zinc, B12, Vaginal probiotic, Vitamin D, Turmeric and Reg Marine Algae). Sometimes I am not as consistent but giving your immune system extra support will help suppress the HSV. Whenever I think about the HSV, I’m not sure if I had it for a long time as I’ve been itchy in one spot for years on and off or if it was something I contracted recently. I was so confused and upset during the time I was diagnosed because I had always used condoms, gotten tested and been careful. But I’ve done research and found out that you can contract herpes even during condoms usage or you could have it for years before it suddenly pops up. Either way, I’m just glad that it hasn’t been as horrible as it was since my first outbreak. Hopefully it can go completely dormant within 18 months. I hope I was able to help. Good luck and God bless.
  3. Hello everyone. Just wanted to tap in. I am GHSV2. I’ve been using femiclear which is a very strong ointment to help heal faster during outbreaks. It may burn a little when applying it but it does work. In addition, there is a black owned vaginal care company named shopmymyaat on Instagram. The vaginal spray and balm has helped as well. I am looking for more into holistic care and only use acyclovir as my last resort during flare ups. Vagisil itch cream numbs and soothes too. I have switch between various products at times for the best results. As time goes on my flare ups are not as severe as they were in the beginning. Doctor did say 12-18 months is the time it takes the body to fight back. I take vitamins and try to get plenty of rest. I love you all queens. Stay strong.
  4. I just feel so hurt that I allowed this to happen to me in the first place. I take a lot of the blame. Maybe if I had not slept with this person, or that person; being that for women you can also contract with a condom AND women are more than likely to contract just because of our anatomy. I just wish I had known better! I know it is something I deeply regret because I think about it every single day. I am praying for healing of my heart and spirit because they body is only a temporary vessel. How do you guys feel about the beginning of the journey? I was diagnosed with GHSV2 via blood test and swab in April 2021 after a bad flare up January 2021. Wasn’t sure if I newly contracted it then or in August 2020 after I broke up with my then boyfriend for what I though was a bad case of bacterial vaginosis. For the first 6 out of 10 months it felt as though I had a flare up constantly. I am still fighting the flare ups but I notice that as time goes on they are not as bad as they were. Hopefully this means my body is beginning to shut it back in its cage and it can be at least asymptomatic within 18 months. I exercise, take vitamins and seamoss smoothies. I am looking into a natural doctor as I do suffer from eczema as well. What works best for you guys? How is your journey so far? Feel free to tap in. Thanks for reading.
  5. Hey. Just checking in with everyone. I have been using condoms with any guy I start seeing. I am so afraid to disclose because I’m just not sure if they can handle it. As I’ve found, if I continue to use condoms ( which I’ve always done 85 percent of the time so still confused as to how I wound up in this situation) and only have sex when I do not have any flare ups + taking valtrex I feel as if they will be fine. I also feel like until I know a man can really love me unconditionally is when I would be able to tell. I’m 10 months in since being diagnosed and my emotions are still all over the place. Some days I feel optimistic and hopeful. Other days not so much. Lord I miss when I didn’t live like this; constantly looking down below with a mirror or loathing to use the restroom. I dread going on dates sometimes and even when stds are talked about it’s just that herpes is so stigmatized it makes me want to cry. I would never want to give this to anyone because of the emotional and physical suffering but also I am scared to tell for fear of judgement. It’s hurts me so much. 💔 Being a black woman is hard enough fighting racism and misogyny at certain points. I’m 28 so I am trying to keep faith that life will go on and I will be able to start a family. I am just so embarrassed by this. I would have rather wrecked my car or broken a leg. Just wanted to vent. Thanks for reading.
  6. I know everything you are feeling. I am praying for you.
  7. Hey. I was diagnosed with type 2. The sores are the size of pin needle heads. The discharge is weird sometimes and combined with the itchy skin it makes me feel like I yeast infection sometimes. It’s very confusing. The topic cream didn’t really seem to help. I’m wondering what else could be causing flare ups. Very afraid.
  8. I’ve been on generic valacyclovir daily since early may. I take 1g daily and I still experience a itchy red vulva. I’ve also been taking lysine and a probiotic for vaginal health. It’s hard to wipe as I feel like everytime I use the restroom I irritate my skin further and it really hard not to scratch. I’m trying to get my health insurance together so that I can try valtrex. I got my copper iud removed in December and noticed my cycle isn’t as heavy. Any recommendations would really help. Praying for healing and a better resolution.
  9. 89star

    5 yrs later

    Hello. I am a black woman also. My career is flourishing, I’m 28 and I have no kids. I also have hsv2. I know it can be a hard pill to swallow, and some days are harder than others but you will get through this. Miracles are possible.
  10. I just feel so embarrassed and damaged. I’m single so I’m not really sure what this means for my future. I’ve been suffering from anxiety in January since my body has been through so many changes and now depression since the confirmed diagnosis. I’m only 28. I just feel down.
  11. Hello. I believe I contracted hsv2 in January. A casual partner decided to take off his condom in the middle of sex which alarmed me and I insisted he put one on to finish. Approximately two days later I felt itchy and weird down below. I thought it was a yeast infection so I decided to treat myself with monistat. Unfortunately the burning I felt prompted me to look below with a mirror. A white spot on my labia scared me so bad I rushed to the er. While getting examined by a nurse she confirms that my cervix was inflamed and treated me for (trichomonas, gonnorhea or chlamydia) and sent me home. When I confronted the guy I believe gave this to me he basically gaslighted me and blocked me. The white spot ulcerated from my scratching and my uncomfortable symptoms persisted up until April. My outside vulva was red and inflamed with another sore so I went to a health clinic only for them to confirm it was hsv2. I am so devastated. I have been on acyclovir for a month and while I haven’t had any ulcers, the outside of my vagina is still red and itchy. It’s so hard trying to adjust with my new reality with a reminder every single day I have this skin condition. When I think of how wonderful sex was for me I get so down on myself. I also hold a lot of resentment towards the opposite sex. I pray that this gets better. I have so much to look forwards to. I’m just filled with regret that this could happen to me.
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