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Posts posted by Thebiglobowski

  1. @Flowerteacher55 thank you so much for your support it really helps and really means a lot ❤️  I always think about asking for reassurance, but I just dont want to freak them out by bringing it up if it's not an issue that affects them, because it's been years since my last/initial outbreak. Just always fearing if and when it'll come back. How do you not live with regret or anguish about it? That's another issue I always face with it. Thinking about it everyday and why I had to get it. Or that I could have avoided getting it by not putting myself in that situation. I just wish I knew how to forget about it all together being that it hasn't affected me in years. And it doesn't help I cry whenever I think about it. It's so hard not to cry when I talk about it, which is why I've only brought it up once to my partner. Sometimes it just feels like, somethings wrong with me 

  2. Hi, im not sure if anyone still goes in this forum, but boy I can't stop thinking about how anxious and paranoid I am about having a possible next outbreak. How do you guys deal with it? I've had it for 2 years almost 3, and have only had one initial outbreak that wasn't too bad. I keep telling myself it's ok and I'm fine, and I have my antiviral ready if it happens, but it's just so scary. I'm in a loving relationship and did talk to him once about it, but only just the one time because I haven't had another outbreak so it hasn't been a problem. But I still feel so anxious and scared and paranoid. How does one deal with these thoughts? I don't know why it's all I think about 

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  3. @Flowerteacher55 thanks for replying! Not so much a burning but like, stingy like a cut, and not like a cluster of raised sores but a couple of really tiny ulcerations if that makes sense. No itching. Since it's on a couple of fordyce it's white in the center but not raised, kind of flat so it's confusing. And nothing that I know as far as I can tell because I didn't shave. I'm trying to think back but I don't think I've done anything abnormal. 

  4. On my fordyce area, there's redness and a little irritation almost as if it's a cut on a couple of them (fordyce are the harmless white specs around the vagina or penis that most people have for those who didn't know the term) and im not sure how to distinguish whether or not its herpes, or just a skin irritation? I've only had one initial out break over 2 years ago, its so easy to confuse skin anything for herpes. 

    I've been taking an antiviral, and it's not really making much of a difference. It seems like it's just healing naturally because when I had my first outbreak my body responded well to the medication and the sore went away quick 

    I don't feel under the weather 

    There's no puss coming out 

    Bc its redness on the fordyce, its white in the middle with red around but like I said no puss

    Its a tiny bit uncomfortable but not too bad, and no other symptoms like tender thighs or itchy anus. But the area is red and a tad tender

    Does anyone deal with an issue like this? Weird skin things that sorta look like herpes and your not sure? Any info will help thanks! 

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  5. Does anyone know the proper name for the blood index antibody level test? It's a blood test that like tells you like the level of antibodies? I was wondering what the proper name for it is so that when I call and ask I don't have to explicitly say out loud "it's for herpes" also, does planned parenthood offer this test?

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  6. @Flowerteacher55thank you so much for always being so helpful with your advice! I wish it wasn't all I think about. I just get so scared ill get an outbreak and my partner won't want to be with me anymore. Everything's been ok so far, it's just the fact that like it can come at any time without any warning. I dont know why I get so worked up and I feel so alone. I dont have anyone to talk to about it. So I've just been posting in here hoping for some relief 

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  7. Its been over 2 years since I've been diagnosed. My initial outbreak so far was my only out break. Fortunately wasn't very bad. I haven't had any problems since then, haven't passed it on to anyone. Everything's normal and fine. I honestly forgot I even had herpes at some points. But as of recent, for some reason it just hits me. I dont know why but it's all I think about now even though I don't struggle with outbreaks. Is there anyone else out there like me? That literally doesn't have an issue with the disease itself but the anxiety is worse? It's all I think about. For over a year I've been dating someone who loves me very much, who knows I'm HSV2 positive, we talked about it once briefly but I haven't had any outbreaks so it's never been an issue to the relationship, so there's not a reason to bring it up more. Why am I so paranoid? I've had such a good streak. I dont know why now its hitting me and it's all I can think about. Does anyone else not deal with outbreaks but get crippling fear of possibly getting another one? Does it help I have a decent immune system and don't get sick? I'm not sure. Sorry I know you guys aren't doctors but some advice would be nice 

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  8. In my personal experience I'd say yes the stigma is 10000x worse then the actual disease at least for me. I've only had one outbreak since I was diagnosed 2 and a half years ago, but it's still a real bruise on my ego even though it's currently not a huge negative impact on my life thankfully as of now. It's just the whole stigma and myths that are created around it that make it worse then the disease itself. For most people it doesn't even affect their daily lives

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  9. @Flowerteacher55 thank you ❤ my fist out break when I was first diagnosed only lasted a couple of days as soon as I started taking the antiviral, and it wasn't as severe as stories that I've heard, I only had one lil sore so you could imagine how devastated I was that it wasn't an ingrown hair like I thought. Is that good news pertaining to any future outbreaks bc my first one wasn't even that long/bad? I'm sorry im asking so many questions. I dont have anyone to talk to about this 

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  10. @Flowerteacher55 I haven't had an outbreak since my first initial one and no new medication or anything. And I still haven't had one. I'm just nervous if it'll just hit me out of no where. Can this virus stay dormant? Because so far nothing has triggered another episode. I'm just nervous it'll come again without any warning since it's been over two years

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  11. That did help a bit thanks. I just always hear about people having multiple outbreaks. I'm a female, and I've only had the one, so I wasn't sure if that usually happens. I'm not sure what to expect bc I've only ever had one outbreak. 

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  12. So, I was diagnosed with type 2 HSV, and I've only had the one initial outbreak, and that's it. It's been 2 and a half years since my diagnosis, have only had the one outbreak which was the initial one. is it possible I have HSV 1 in my genital region? I heard outbreaks are less often if none when it's type 1 on your genitals, but the swab test said type 2. I'm not sure. I dont know the concept of triggers, I've heard things like stress and chocolate do but ive been super stressed and eat chocolate and I've been fine. But I see so many cases of people getting multiple outbreaks....so is it normal to have one initial outbreak and then the virus remains dormant? I'm so scared of another one coming out of no where it's been so long I'm not sure what to expect since nothings triggered another one. I feel so invalid as a person, even though I literally haven't had anything in 2 and a half years. Any advice or info would be very helpful! Please let me know im not alone!

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