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Fmluck last won the day on August 12 2021

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  1. I just wanted to give you guys an update. It was 100% a severe staph infection. Antibiotics stopped it in its tracks within a couple days all except 1 boil. I am left with an entire crotch of bright purple scaring. The one boil that stuck behind went from pea size to golf ball in 3 days. I am now septic. Boy oh boy am i sick and confused. These things are painful. I cant believe i had over 90 of them before i got a proper diagnosis. Hats off to the nurse on here who put a bug i my ear. I could of died without that bit of information. You guys are some serious angels. If i ever come down with the H, ima be here. Confiding and supporting. πŸ₯°
  2. Im going to feel pretty rotten for the next while until the antibiotics work. Just going to count my blessings and might never have sex or shave again... ill be okay πŸ˜‚ Im not ready to believe dr until i see negative blood results in 13 weeks.
  3. Commonly known as barbers itch. It causes furuncles, carbuncles, and a crazy rash. It looks very similar to herpes blisters and ulcers.
  4. He only gave me antibiotics and told me to keep it dry.
  5. You guys are incredible. Im sticking here regardless. πŸ₯° I just have a bad feeling he is incorrect. In october i will take the blood test again. Thank you for supporting me through my darkest days. All of your kind words and advice will not be forgotten. Ill keep you posted on whether the antibiotics work
  6. The doctor thinks that it is folliculitus 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 i guess i am still running a fever too. I hadnt checked in a week. He said "ive seen a lot of herpes. I really dont think you have it. But i will test a blister anyways" im still in utter disbelief that this many blisters on my crotch could not be herpes. I was 100% convinced for 3 weeks. I have created such a monster in my head that i still dont believe this dr. What is wrong with me actually?! Ugh. Im afraid to be happy. Afraid hes wrong.
  7. I initially thought i had a ic flare as well. All the symptoms of it.
  8. Ive attached a photo from 2 weeks ago ish. If you look towards the bottom of the photo, there is a little fresh one. thats what all the blisters look like. Various different sizes, but none of them look like cold sore dimpled blisters. Weird right? Its much worse that this now. Blisters ulcers and scabs have taken over every area of normal skin.
  9. Wouldnt shingles only be on one side of my body? This is my entire crotch. Both thighs. Stomach now. Its pretty textbook symptoms besides the severity of it.
  10. It has now spread up my stomach 3 inches towards my belly button is all new blisters forming. Around 20. I wont be able to know the count until the blisters form as its just all red raised bumps and angry swollen skin. I think i need medical help πŸ˜•
  11. I havnt worn panties in 2.5 weeks. Cant. No way no how. Super loose pants kill me. I think my pubic hair hurts the worst. I obvi cant shave like this. Ive never had hair. Always been shaved. I fear that i wont be able to ever again now 😞
  12. The scrape was done on a blister that had already started healing. I figure whats the point now, my entire vagina is one ginormous swollen blister in various stages. I know my answer. πŸ˜• ill get the blood test done mid october to confirm its 2.
  13. Just the fever has stopped. I had it 4 days. Im drinking like a camel to stay hydrated through the other. All other symptoms remain. I bare no secrets haha... i mean, you all know my newest and darkest. I have sarcoidosis in my lungs, erythema nodosum (shockingly this is not a harry potter spell, it is a actual disease) and interstitial cystitis. My doctor is currently on vacation. I had to go to a bunch of different walk in dr for all of this. Each was a horrible experience worse than the last. I actually had to go to a prescribing pharmacist and show her photos of the blisters before i could even get valtrex. Went to a dr a couple days later as i had gotten 20 more blisters and he said "you're going to have to deal with it. There is nothing i can do." Then went on to lecture me that condoms dont protect against it and if i dont want any more std's i should really find a trustworthy person to settle with... fr. I dont have anything like planned parenthood here. Im hoping my doctor will be more sympathetic and helpful, but at this point im going to have to go to another walk in as he is still gone. I hope there is an end soon. I hope this isnt my new normal. I wont make it.
  14. So odd that she got tested as a virgin.... i mean, smart, but so odd haha. I definitely did not get tested when i was a virgin, or even consider it.
  15. Thanks for your response Grace. It doesnt hurt to pee, because i have no sores on the inside (thank god for small favors am i right?) However, the whole area is so swollen with inflammation it is unrecognizable. Not even after childbirth was i this swollen. So its hard to pee because of the swelling, but doesnt sting as in have no sores in the line of fire. I had fever, migraine, diarrhea, tingling, itching etc. The only thing that i dont have anymore is the fever. The itching and pain is unreal. The only relief i have found is applying pure high grade lavender to the sores before bed. I did a 10 day course of valtrex. I do get cold sores on my mouth. Far and few between since i have had them since i was a kid. Therefore i am kind of shocked this outbreak is getting so bad as i figured i would of had some antibodies! I am immune compromised unfortunately. I expect that isnt helping my case. As well as about to start a new cycle. Double blow. But still.... i have 74 blisters at various stages.... thats a lot even for a first outbreak is it not?? Somethings gotta give. As if this isnt hard enough mentally. My herpes are on steroids.
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