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Posts posted by Girl27

  1. I’ve been diagnosed for 9 yrs since I was at 19 with my first. So I had to learn how to date with the condition at a young age. At first it was very terrifying and depressing. The second guy I told as a precaution and also I wanted him to know cause I felt it was unfair. It was a booty call as I just broke up with the man who infected me. This person ghosted me after we had sex that one time. I then realized that I don’t need to tell anyone if I don’t want to as long as we stay protected. So that’s how I dated I told who needed to know. So I still had a sex life and still had my fun while staying safe and protected.

    Fast forward to my current bf now of 5 yrs. We dated for 4 months long distance and in that time I told him about HSV2. By the time I told him he had so much feelings for me he didn’t care about it at all. I was so embarrassed and ashamed to tell him cause I really liked him and I didn’t want to ruin our fairytale. This guy was and still is the sexiest man I’ve ever dated so you can imagine how hard it was!! Lol I was relieved he still wanted to continue our relationship.

    Later, after a year of  traveling back and forth of seeing each other we decided to move in together.  We started off wearing condoms and eventually came off for obvious reasons ☺️ He didn’t get infected right away but of course it eventually happened. I can’t say how long after because we didn’t care much for it. We had a conversation and we agreed that we are in love and we want to spend the rest of our lives together. (Although he still ain’t put a ring on it) 😩 

    Now, my partner and I are both infected. I don’t think about it much because of him and I am grateful. We rack up on meds and take it as needed. 

    I know that the hard part about finding love is being diagnosed. I’m here to tell you that you can find love and be happy. Don’t let it be the dictator of your life. You are in control!!!! 


    please feel free if you have any questions, comments or concerns!!!! (I didn’t want write a whole book) lol

    I would love to help make this  process a little easier if I can. 

    -Girl27 ❤️

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  2. Hi,

    I was diagnosed 9yrs ago and recently moved to NC with no friends or family and had the idea of joining something like this for a while. If anyone has any questions or just needs support I’m here. 9yrs is a long time so I have experience with the beast lol. Don’t hesitate 😊

    your future H buddy ❤️

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  3. I’ve had hsv for 9yrs now and I totally understand your pain. I commend you for leaving your husband because I know that must’ve been scary not knowing what’s next. The person that took my virginity infected me. So I completely understand dating and having to tell them. I want to tell you that there is hope. I had to date after that relationship and I didn’t want that person to have power over me anymore. My advice with dating is get a feel for them for at least 3-4 months. Get to know them and see if you can really trust that person to tell them something that is so personal. If you can’t wait that long try a month. The person your dating will get to know you as well and may start to have feelings. By then you can trust to tell them but be prepared for their decision. It’s not always going to be a yes right away but you can assure them that you take medication and that you can still enjoy your sex life. I’ve had multiple partners before I met my bf of 5 yrs now. I only told ppl I felt needed to know. If I knew it wasn’t serious I made sure my partner used protection. Only tell who you feel needs to know. I once told someone who had sex with me then ghosted me. So you don’t need to tell if you don’t have to just make sure you are protected at all times. I hope that helped a little. Enjoy your life i know it can be hard but it’s more common than you think. 


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